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Islam ws NOT Created by the Vatican


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I am somewhat disturbed by the fact that you have a propensity to post anti-Islamic disinformation articles particularly because of your involvement with the Phoenix Journals revelations and your strong religious background.  True Christianity that Christ preached and Islam run parallel to each other but are totally against the Vatican creation which is a religious, political, financial and economic power structure designed to enslave mankind.  Please get on the Right side of the equation.    Please publish my rebuttal to the disinformation that you posted.

The Vatican did NOT create Islam.

Your recent article insinuated that the Vatican created Islam is clearly a disinformation attempt to discredit a major religion. The coming of the Prophet Mohamed was prophecised in the Old Testament centuries before the Vatican ever existed, though it is most likely true that the Vatican did encourage the spread of Islam as this would be seen to be to their advantage over True Christians and Hebrews in the geographic areas concerned.

The problem that the Vatican has with Islam, however, is much deeper in the basic theology. Islam is a righteous way of life as defined by the Holy Quran in which followers know that they are individually responsible for their own acts and that no human being can nor has the right to come between an individual and his Creator. Simply, a Moslem prays direct to Allah and only Allah can absolve him of his misdeeds. This means that the Vatican (Church) and its Pope, Cardinals, Priests, etc., have no power to absolve one of sin or be in control over a population. This is a major threat to the human control factor that the Catholic Church hierarchy has established to enslave its followers to its “Pope is God’s Representative on Earth” Doctrine (which is obviously false if one can commune directly with God (Allah) at any time).

Then there is the matter of the Holy Quran and its construction and the fact that this book has not been altered over time to suit human fancies. It is a very logical document but there is one interesting verse that states that “Over it is 19”. A strange number and one which puzzled scholars for years till a mathematical analysis revealed that there are a multiple of 19 Suras (Chapters) in the Holy Quran and that they begin with “Bismillah hirrahman nir Rahim” (In the Name of Allah the Benevolent and Merciful) which in Arabic has a multiple of 19 letters. Further analysis revealed that Sura Fatihah (the Islamic version of the Lord’s Prayer) also had a multiple of 19 letters and words. A strange coincidence for an un-lettered Prophet who only claimed to just recite what had been revealed to him.

The Holy Quran, like most other religious books from around the world, is principally a Guidebook for 3rd dimensional living in this World. It extols the individual’s “Free Will” and freedom of choice between right from wrong, from proper behavior versus improper, and clearly depicts the duality in which we live our daily lives. This book is clearly a “Service to Others” guide versus a “Service to Self” religious approach which is the essence of the Vatican dispute with Islam.

I do not wish to further trumpet the virtues of the Holy Quran or Islam any longer as this is for one to discover for oneself along your path to understanding and knowledge..

Islam and the Holy Quran were definitely not a Vatican exercise as the teaching are clearly contrary to the Vatican’s dogma and dictates. Islam, however, is very close to the True Teachings of Christ (Jesus/Isa) and holds in the highest respect both Jesus and Mother Mary as gifted spirits (but not Gods). Christ is stated to be the Mahadi/Messiah who will return.

Finally, it should be historically noted that the Islamic occupation of Spain and Portugal created a major cultural and theological threat to the Vatican as the universities in Cordova were then the center of learning and the center which spawned the rise of other Christian religions fundamentally driven by “free will” and “individual responsibility” evangelists which later opposed the Vatican rule and led to bloody wars, mass murders and other atrocities directed from the Vatican.

Moslems and Islam have thus been continuously painted in a bad light by the West in a continuing disinformation campaign covering centuries because of the threat that they have created to the authority and control that the Vatican has intended to be over mankind.

In the end, however, it is YOUR CHOICE to determine who is STO or STS. May enlightenment and the power of true discernment be with you.

----- Original Message -----
From: TK
To: Bellringer
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 10:53 PM
Subject: Islam was NOT created by the Vatican