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Classroom sex images, Christian-bashing draw lawsuit (Spain)

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Spanish cartoon denigrating Christianity with an upside-down cross and "Jesus" T-shirt

A lawsuit has been filed against the Spanish government over mandatory classes that expose children to sexually explicit images and bash Christian beliefs.

The case over classroom teaching described as "leftist" by critics has been brought by the Alliance Defense Fund and the Spanish organization Professionals for Ethics.

"Americans should take note of this case because this sort of situation is not restricted to Spain," said Roger Kiska, legal counsel for ADF based in Europe. "Many parents would be dismayed to know that there are organizations in the U.S. that have attempted to persuade school districts to use similar types of curriculum.

"If the Spanish government is allowed to continue this instruction, it only emboldens arguments that the U.S. should follow suit," he said.

The case, brought on behalf of more than 300 parents and children, challenges "compulsory anti-Christian education" for students in both public and private schools.

The law firms

reported the case is the culmination of years of frustration for tens of thousands of concerned parents.

Parents suing the kingdom of Spain over "leftist" classes

"More than 54,000 parents [have] registered complaints with Spain's government and sought to have their children removed, but to no avail," the report said.

Parents previously have brought lawsuits opposing the "Education in Citizenship" classes – which "promote a leftist stance on crucial social issues such as sexuality and abortion." Program materials "openly bash the Catholic Church and contain highly sexual imagery."

Parents and other pro-family organizations have filed more than 2,200 lawsuits against the government over the four-course program that is mandatory for students ages 10-16, "with an overwhelming majority of the decided cases falling in favor of parental rights," ADF said.

"However, the same subject matter continues to be taught," the report said.

The action before the European Court of Human Rights contends the classes violate the conscience rights and religious convictions of parents and students alike.

The claims were filed under provisions in the European Convention of Human Rights that protect privacy, the family and the best interests of the child. They also say the convention requires states to respect the right of parents to educate their children according to their own religious convictions and mandates that freedom of thought, conscience and religion be protected.

Kiska is based in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, where he focuses on international litigation.

March 25, 2010