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Nietzsche and the Origins of Christianity

Thomas Dalton

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Over the course of two thousand years, Christianity has grown from nothing to the largest religion on the planet.  Some 2.1 billion people now consider themselves Christian, about one third of all of humanity.  It significantly outnumbers Islam, in second place with 1.5 billion members.1 America is among the most religious of all industrialized nations; about 77 percent are Christians, and most of these are regular church-goers.  And yet few people, even Christians themselves, understand the origin of this most influential religion.  In one sense, of course, we will never truly understand exactly what events transpired two millennia ago, in that land of shepherds, nomads, and dusty villages of the near Middle East.  Archeology tells us some things, ancient documents others.  But these give us only an outline of the facts of that place and time.  If we wish to comprehend early Christianity and its implications for today, many gaps must be filled in — by analysis, probability, guesswork, and faith. 


Friedrich Nietzsche took a great interest in Christianity and its allied religion, Judaism.2  This interest, however, was strikingly — shockingly — negative.  The title alone of his final book, Antichrist, gives a good indication.  For Nietzsche, Christianity was decadent, weak, and nihilistic.  It led to a sickly, subservient, herd morality, and suffocated the quest for human excellence.  Worst of all, it replaced a life-affirming naturalness with an otherworldly, life-denying negativism.  It has become, in fact, “the greatest misfortune of mankind so far” (Antichrist, sec. 51).3 And this disaster of Christianity is impossible to understand, he said, without grasping its Jewish roots.  Thus it is not simply Christianity, but Judeo-Christianity, that must be examined with a brutal honesty, if we are to overcome its weaknesses.


Before looking in detail at Nietzsche’s critique, I want to briefly review the state of knowledge on the origins of this religion.  We obviously know much more today than Nietzsche did in the late 1800s.  But it is to his credit that the present facts seem, by and large, to bear out his analysis — though perhaps his conclusions remain as controversial as ever.


Historical Background


Consider, first of all, the ancient origins of Judaism and the corresponding events of the Old Testament (OT).  The original patriarch, Abraham, apparently lived some time between 1800 and 1500 bc — he being the traditional father of not only Judaism (and thus Christianity) but a leading prophet of Islam as well.4 The next major figure, Moses, lived around 1300 bc, and some time afterward the “Five Books of Moses” began to take shape, likely at first as an oral tradition.  These books, as we know, would eventually form the Pentateuch (Torah) — the beginning of the OT.5 


The remaining 30-odd OT books were added over the next one thousand years, with the set becoming complete around 200 bc.  These books were written in Hebrew, but a Greek translation — the Septuagint — was begun about this time, completed circa 50 bc.  The Dead Seas Scrolls, which date to the first century bc, contain fragments from every book of the Hebrew OT, and thus are our earliest proof that the complete document existed by that time.  Whether it appeared any earlier is a matter of pure speculation.


Dating of the OT texts is one thing; accuracy is another matter altogether.  First of all, the earliest dates cited above are purely conjectural, since we have no recorded reference to the travails of Moses prior to 850 bc.  Furthermore, prominent Israeli archeologist Ze’ev Herzog has shown the increasing discrepancies between archeological data and the biblical stories.6 Efforts in the 1900s to confirm the OT yielded a plentitude of new information, but this “began to undermine the historical credibility of the biblical descriptions instead of reinforcing them.”  Scholars were confronted with “an increasingly large number of anomalies,” among these:  “no evidence has been unearthed that can sustain the chronology” of the Patriarchal age; of the Exodus, “the many Egyptian documents that we have make no mention of the Israelites’ presence in Egypt, and are also silent about the events of the Exodus”;7 and the alleged conquest of Canaan (Palestine) by the Israelites in the 1200s bc is refuted by archeological digs at Jericho and Ai that found no existing cities at that time.  Even the famed monotheism of the early Jews is undermined by inscriptions from the 700s bc that refer to a pair of gods, “Yahweh and his consort, Asherah.”  An overall picture thus comes into view:  a kernel of true people and events magnified over time, acquiring legendary status.  Disparate tribes of wandering and warring Jews become heroic freedom fighters, and ultimately the chosen people of the (eventually) one God. 


Perhaps surprisingly, Nietzsche appreciated the Old Testament — in spite of his skepticism about its historical veracity.  He liked the power of the language and the concept of a ‘God of the Jews’, a god appropriate for a given people and a given time, one who rewarded and punished in equal measures.  “In the Jewish ‘Old Testament,’ the book of divine justice, there are human beings, things, and speeches in so grand a style that Greek and Indian literature have nothing to compare with it” (Beyond Good and Evil, sec. 52);  and again:  “all honor to the Old Testament!” (Genealogy of Morals, 3.22). 


The New Testament — the Christian Testament — however, was a completely different matter.  Again, the historical facts set the stage.


The Maccabean revolt of 165 bc, against the Seleucid Empire, reestablished Jewish rule over Palestine.  The resulting Hasmonean dynasty was formed in 141 and ruled until the Roman Empire incorporated the region in 63 bc.  Until that time the indigenous Jews had lived under many occupying powers — Persians, Babylonians, Alexander the Great — but apparently were able to accommodate their foreign rulers and still thrive. 


Things were different under the Romans.  Having been the ruling power in Palestine for 100 years, the Jews were rather quickly and dismissively subsumed into the Empire.  Relatively benign at first, governance became increasingly callous and brutal.  In addition to passing judgment on Jesus, Pontius Pilate was known for his aggressive treatment of the Jews; but things grew even worse after his removal in 36 ad and the ascension of Emperor Caligula.  Ben-Sasson writes, “The reign of Caligula (37–41 ad) witnessed the first open break between the Jews and the Empire. …  [R]elations deteriorated seriously during [this time].”8 Tensions culminated in the first Jewish revolt, which began in 66 and ended in Roman victory and the plundering and destruction of the famed Jewish temple at Jerusalem (Herod's Temple) in the year 70 which had stood in place since 516 bc.9


Rome retained power over Palestine for nearly 400 more years, until the fracturing of the Empire in 395.  The surviving Eastern (Byzantine) Empire continued to rule the region for another 240 years, until the Arab Caliphates took over in 638.  Thus it is clear that Roman rule, beginning in 63 bc, was decisive for the emergence of Christianity.  Nietzsche seems to have been the first scholar to grasp the significance of this fact:  “Without the Roman Caesars and Roman society, the insanity of Christianity would never have come to rule” (Will to Power, sec. 874).  [more]




1]  Hinduism is number three, with about 900 million adherents, although those professing atheism or holding other explicit non-religious views are greater in number, now about 1.1 billion. [return]


2]  For a detailed study of Nietzsche’s complex views on Jews and Judaism — see my article, “Nietzsche on the Jews.” [return]


3]  Most of the following quotations are from Antichrist, and this book is the source where I have indicated only section numbers.  Quotations from other books will be explicitly cited.[return]


4]  According to legend, Abraham had two sons: Isaac, who gave rise to the Jewish lineage, and Ishmael, the father of the Arabs. [return]


5] Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. [return]


6]  The following quotes are from his article “Deconstructing the walls of Jericho”, Ha’aretz Magazine, October 29, 1999. [return]


7]  “Most historians today agree that, at best, the stay in Egypt and the exodus events occurred among a few families, and that their private story was expanded and ‘nationalized’ to fit the needs of theological ideology.”  There is one later Egyptian documentation of such an event, by the high priest Manetho from the third century bc, which comes to a similar conclusion.  As recounted by Lindemann, “the Jews had been driven out of Egypt because they, a band of destitute and undesirable immigrants who had intermarried with the slave population, were afflicted with various contagious diseases.”  The Jews were thus expelled “for reasons of public hygiene.”  In sum, “the account in Exodus was an absurd falsification of actual events, an attempt to cover up the embarrassing and ignoble origin of the Jews.”  (Esau’s Tears, 1997: 28).[return]


8]  A History of the Jewish People (Harvard University Press; 1976), pp. 254-255. [return]


9]  Future emperor Titus led the Roman attack.  His victory was commemorated with the construction of the Arch of Titus, a striking monument that stands today aside the Colosseum.

Jan. 30, 2010