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The Real BLACK POPE - The Superior General

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WACLA Confronts the real BLACK POPE 2009

The BLACK POPE is elected for LIFE!

The [White] POPE is elected for LIFE!

The [White] POPE confesses to the BLACK POPE.

The BLACK POPE directs what the [White] POPE should do...

The BLACK POPE is extremely learned and wise but makes out he is dull and he operates by means of DECEIT!

[Identical to FREEMASONS!]

There is a JESUIT OATH which all JESUITS must swear which ensures that all JESUITS perpetrate DECEIT and the most EVIL acts imaginable...

Note that on Official photos of [White] POPE next to BLACK POPE - the POPE has his hands in Front of Him in OPEN view whereas the BLACK POPE has his Hands behind his back HIDDEN from View [Highly Symbolic as to how the BLACK POPE operates].

BLACK POPE WAS RESPONSIBLE for perpetrating the most Heinous crimes known to mankind during the time of the SPANISH INQUISITION!

BLACK POPE: Very Reverend Adolfo NICHOLAS SJ

Jesuit Superior General.

Look up Proverbs 6:12-15

Ch 6:12: "A naughty person, a wicked man [a FREEMASON], walketh with a froward [ie an arrogant] mouth."

Ch 6:13: "He WINKETH with his EYES, he SPEAKETH with his FEET, he TEACHETH with his FINGERS";

[3 means of Non Verbal Communication (NVC) by FREEMASONS - this DECEIT was perpetrated by FREEMASONS against GOOD people with a MORAL, ETHICAL & SPIRITUAL Compass thousands of years ago... NOTHING has Changed...][Book of PROVERBS was written at the time of the ancient EGYPTIANS & BABYLONIANS... over 3,000 years ago... then copied into the OT...]

Ch 6:14 "Frowardness [arrogance] [is] in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord."

Ch 6:15: "Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be BROKEN without remedy."

PROVERBS Ch. 6:12-15

Google: Extreme [PRIVATE] OATH of the JESUITS!

[ALL JESUITS must swear this OATH!]

1. The Superior GENERAL of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas and his 6 GENERALS control the "White POPE" Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican.

2. The Illuminati, Zionists,globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.

3. The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta.

4. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by the Jesuits.

5. The Jesuits have infiltrated all governments & Leaders like Obama, Rudd, Blair, Jintao, Sarkozy, Peres are only puppets that carry out Jesuit orders.

The"NEW WORLD ORDER" is the GLOBAL TOTALITARIANISM dream that a BANKER called Mayer Amschel ROTHSCHILD, helped revive in 1760's to protect his PRIVATE bank from global government regulation. His grand blue-print is best described by his paid social engineer called Dr. Adam [Spartacus] WEISHAUPT, Professor of Canon Law in the university of Ingolstadt. Weishaupt adopted the term "Illuminati." This nightmare is still sought after today by their family's descendents. Below is the 'outline' Weishaupt set out for his banker financier master! Carefully notice the similarities between Karl Marx's 10 Plank's of his Communist Manifesto and Weishaupt's outline. Also, please read Communism & The New World Order (NWO).

The blue print for the NWO is:

* Abolition of all ordered governments

* Abolition of private property

* Abolition of inheritance

* Abolition of patriotism

* Abolition of the family

* Abolition of religion

* A global population of 500 million

* Creation of a world government

Mayer Amschel ROTHSCHILD 1828 "Allow me to issue and control the MONEY of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws." [Even a 4 year old can understand that people with control of MONEY... [PRIVATE Central Bank in US (ROCKEFELLER) & UK (ROTHSCHILD)] write the laws!]

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are AFRAID of something. They know that there is a POWER somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." - Woodrow Wilson

What people are not understanding is that the Jesuits command the White Pope and the Vatican City, Obama /Bush's/ Clinton's / Blair's / Peres/ Rudd / Jintao / Sarkozy / Medvedev (and frankly every government on earth) including the the evil Council of Trent, CFR, Illuminati, the Zionists, the Bilderberg group, the Freemasons, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights Templar, Council of 300, and every intelligence organization in the world all have ties to the Jesuit Order and more specifically, the Superior General of the Jesuits known as The Black Pope Adolfo NICOLAS who as of January the 19th, 2008 succeeded Peter-Hans Kolvenbach as the 30th Superior General of the Jesuit Order.

Kindly compare with:

White POPE snubs Investigator as Black POPE snubs Investigator