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The Two Babylons

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----- Original Message -----
From DE
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 7:55 AM
Subject: The Two Babylons
"The history of the past two thousand years records the overt and covert rivalry for world hegemony between Babylonian Judaism and Babylonian Roman Catholicism. Both of these imposters are controlled by Lucifer and their strength is the lie -- psychological deceptionand fear of the unknown. Neither protagonist has ever been considereda nation of substance. Their citizens fester off-shore as parasitical secret states within the host nation. There the national organs of Judaism and Romanism pay little or no tax and produce nothing of spiritual or material benefit but pollute the minds of their host whose infrastructure they use and abuse for their destructive ends.

"I believe Rome has come increasingly under the heel of the self-styled 'Jews' through the influence of their bankers, the Rothschilds, through the Jesuits, Judaeo-Masonry and Judaeo-Communism... these two Babylons co-operate and also conspire to undermine one another in order to advance their own objectives -- blind to the reality that each is controlled by the same hidden hand and void of the Spirit of God."


"The point that I am concerned to make is that it is sheer insanity not to recognise that the world is always at war and must always be at war just so long as there is an attempt to impose a 'system' on any people or person, and that an international attempt of this nature which is being actively pursued by Jewry means that the first and primary enemy is within the gates of every nation . . ."

"I believe it has only to be pointed out to be admitted, however, that the sphere, in which the Jewish race operates so largely as very nearly to control it, is that sphere which in the Middle Ages was

regarded as the sphere of Black Magic, but which we now term 'suggestion' or 'the psychology of the unconscious', and imagine that thereby we are saying something modern and scientific."

"The outstanding instance of this is the hypnotism which has been exercised over the whole world by the financial system, so that almost without exception people have come to believe that bits of paper are more important than fields of grain, and figures in a book are a measure of the solid worth of a human individual and the only passport to a tolerable existence. But the hypnotism of finance, while perhaps the most important exhibit of black magic or the misuse of suggestion, is by no means alone, either in the medieval or the modern world. In the former, Jews obtained control over chivalry by the hypnotic propaganda associated with the Crusades, and the money-lending transactions which were required to make the Crusades possible . . ."