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The REAL History of Mormonism

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----- Original Message -----
From: N
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:52 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

The REAL history of Mormonism

What I am about to share with you is incredible, but true. When I was in college, and after I joined the Mormon religion, I accidentally discovered that Joseph Smith was arrested for Treason for trying to overthrow the Government of the United States. I also learned that the Mormon religion has fought three wars against the American Government since 1830, that the Mormon religoin has many prophecies about how the "Mormon Elders of Zion" will rush-in and save the Constitutio" and that America's destiny is to become a "Mormon Kingdom of Zion". On September 15, 1857, Brigahm Young even declared independence from the United States altogether. In fact, when the Mormons settled in the Utah Territory in July of 1847, the lands they claimed belonged to Mexico and Young purposely led his Mormons outside the boundaries of the United States in order to found their own soveriegn Mormon nation, which they called Deseret.

More recently, Jay Bybee, Tim Flanigan, D. Kyle Sampson. Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Yohn Yoo and David Addington are all Mormons or individuals who reported to Mormon politicians inside the U.S. Government. Further they wrote the "Bush Torture Policy" and re-wrote the President\'s emegency war powers legislation, which would allow the President to sieze control of the Government during a time of national emergency. These same powers would also allow the President to become the "paramount unitary commander" and circumvent the checks and balances of the constitution. Strangely, VP Cheney (whose wife is Mormon and son works in Salt Lake) actually practiced to become the "Paramount Unitary Commander, Jay Bybee is a BYU law graduate and drafted the "Bush Torture Policy" and D. Kyle Sampson (another BYU grad) fired the US Attorneys that started the "US Attorney scandal"; he worked for Senator Orrin Hatch.

Coincidentally, a large number of Mormons were also involved in the recent terrorist events, which necessitated updating the President's emergency war powers legislation. Further, two of the four 9/11 terrorist pilots were trained at Huffman Aviation in Florida and the secret owner of Huffman Aviation was a Mormon bishop by the name of Wallce Hilliard, Terry Nichols was Mormon and met with Ramzi Yousef 6-months before the 1995 OKC bombing (in the Philippines), Ryder trucks were used in both the 1993 WTC and 1995 OKC bombings and the President of Ryder trucks was a Mormon stake president living in Florida by the name of Anthony Burns and a Salt Lake City based company by the name of Dyno-Nobel actually sold the ammonium nitrate that Ramzi Yousef used when he bombed WTC in 1993!

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