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Is Humanity Finally Outgrowing Religion?

W. Christopher Epler (Bill)

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Polls are showing that the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as Christians has dropped ten points in the last two decades.

Naturally the polls vary, but the trend (as they say in the stock marked) is indisputable.  Christianity in America is increasingly seen as irrelevant.

Of course, this trend is far more dramatic in most European countries that now have nearly totally empty churches.  "Preaching to the choir" is what most Christian European churches are now quite literally doing.

One can only speculate about this trend, but surely it has to do with the identification of churches with the politics of war, particularly during the murder in the name of God Bush years and similar murder in the name of God policies of the Israeli lunatic fringe right wing. Naturally, Palestinian "holy warriors" simply reinforce the documented fact that religion has become a synonym of war mongering religious fanatics.

But, surely it also has to do with the sudden profusion of Armagendonties who are so intellectually challenged they actually believe the world (or is it the solar system, the local group, our galaxy -- no one seems to know the specifics about this) is scheduled to go *boom* any day now.  George Bush shared this blatantly irrational belief and this identification of Christianity with loony tunes pushed many religious fence sitters into an intellectual contempt for institutionalized Christianity. 

Anther plausible factor is the incalculable cowardice of most Christian churches (e.g., Catholicism) during the horror show Bush years when even barnyard animals knew Jesus was being re-re-re crucified (to borrow Christian jargon) by the satanic policies of psychopaths like Dick Cheney and his dufus hand puppet, George Bush.

Its one thing to play it cool and wait for a miracle, but Pope X, Y, or Z settled for trying to jam moral pontifications that were outdated in the 9th Century down the throats of American Catholics (for whom Rome has always had open contempt).  This is like being in a home under attack by organized crime thugs, while the resident "priest", whose role in society could actually make a real difference, gives sermons in the bathroom about how this family needs to hand over all the core values and beliefs of the parents to this babbling coward in a dress.

In short, the Christian Churches have blown it, and blown it big.  Basically, they have:

(1)  Either sided with war mongering politicians, because they wanted to add to the human slaughter of fascist politicians, their own very special murder in the name of God, genocidal hatreds.

(2.)  Or, like the Catholic Church, they have played the ostrich game of "see no evil, hear no evil, and say no evil".  Out of sight may be out of mind, but here's a reality flash for you wimp pastors and priests.  Out of mind is not OUT OF LIFE.  That too complicated for you?  It's like death (April Fool!) you can repress it until the cows come home, but death is death and its looking each of directly in the eye our entire life.  Doesn't make any difference if you look away; patient death will always have its hollow last laugh, and exactly the same thing is true for trying to repress away the Israeli/Palestinian insanity or trying to repress away the pack of lies that Cheney/Halliburton used to "preemptively" invade Iraq to steal its oil.  Same thing in Afghanistan.

So why should we be surprised that America's Christian Churches are increasingly seen as institutions of cowardice and spiritual arrogance (at best) or literal servants of Lucifer (why not use their symbols?).

Anyone who (actively or passively) supported the Bush/Cheney treason and commitment to "conquer the planet" (which was the true goal of slime mold neocons and their tentacle "lobbies"), is also not only a traitor to the rags of what's left of our Constitutional Republic, but they are traitors to humanity itself. 

And guess what, this obviously includes most American Christian Churches.  Are there courageous exceptions?  Of course, but like the 2004 Congress of Clinton/DLC right wing traitors (bought and paid for by AMERICAN BANKS), these patriotic exceptions merely proved the rule.

Indeed, "patriotism" is the bottom line here, because most genuinely patriotic Americans seem to see American Christianity for what it fundamentally is, i.e., a business institution of embarrassingly illiterate, mentally ill religious fanatics who have raised righteous hatred to a science.

Isn't this called give a fool enough rope and he will hang himself?

Well, that's exactly what the anti-American neocons did, but now we're seeing it again in this churchy institution many scientists are quietly predicting evolution with inevitably select out -- and not in the too distant future.  Hey, in the big, biological picture of things, you've got to pay your way and "add" not "subtract" from a balanced and functional species. 

Of course, conflict per se isn't necessarily bad; indeed it frequently promotes "tonus" and can actually help evolutionary process.  But institutional craziness and retardedness is potentially good only in the sense that these lose/lose social cancers could challenge Mother Nature to replace them (via natural selection) with more survival-suited ecological dynamics.  Knowing profoundly what doesn't work (e.g., probably any institutional religion -- or perhaps even a delusional "belief in God"), frequently catalyzes, however indirectly, what DOES work.

And what's so terrible about being a "child of the Universe" anyway?

Eventually the human race in general has to get it together that ultimate realness is where we already are.  This, as they say, is It, but what passes for "religion" traditionally abhors and is abjectly terrified of this truth.  For such institutions, the Reality/Universe is merely a "motel" in which they play out their foolish salvation/damnation games.  Maybe that's why they always steal the towels and trash the "motel", since their eye on the prize of some "after death" sitcom alternative reality.

Well, this is some motel!  I guess dark matter, the accelerating expansion of the universe, Einstein's out of the box relativities, black holes, the Alice in Wonderland quantum soup, and (more here and now) the probable beginning of a magnetic shift of the poles of the Earth which may leave us cosmic radiation defenseless for a few hundred years (no protective magnetic shield!) are just wallpaper for the absurd motels of religion.

Get real.


W. Christopher Epler


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Author's Bio: A liberal American, PhD mathematician, bipedal Earthling.