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Ever Wonder?

Rod Remelin

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Ever wonder who actually writes the laws that Congress Rubber Stamps without ever reading?  They are the modern day Sadducees and Pharisees that's who, all Jews, and none of them politically appointed or elected. All the laws written for the American people are written by those same disciples of Satan that created the Talmud, and Sanhedrin, respectively. Why is it that every presidential administration, before and just after being inaugurated, is always visited by a team of Rabbis. . . more pointedly rabies ?  Because they are there to give their final assent, approval and indoctrination appointments to their new yard dog, that's why. 
    Instead of reading Jew written Scofield and KJV Bibles, and study aids, brain-dead Christians should be reading what the Jews read, and learn from, such as the TorahTalmudSanhedrinThe Tanakh  , and  B'rit Hadashah  -- to get a better sense of what their captors are into as a culture. In fact nothing would piss the Jew rabies off more, then if millions of brain-dead Christians suddenly started showing up in local Synagogues all across this late-great-nation, wanting to learn Hebrew and Yiddish. Of course this will never happen because Christians for the most part are all Goyim, consequently their inherent design limitations, predisposes a deficit of  intellectual acumen necessary to learn Hebrew and Yiddish, thus making them more suited for Christianity in that respect.   
    If Christians started using things like The "Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon", they would soon realize how the words and their meaning have been changed down through the centuries, and how they are still changed, and omitted depending on which New Age Bible you happen to be referring to. Another good source for what constitutes the approved books of the bible that came out of the Council of Nicea bloodbaths, are the Aramaic derivations and contributors. 
    You cannot learn about the fraud that goes for what people accept in modern KVM and Scofiled Bibles, unless you are willing to learn Hebrew and Aramaic. . . borrowing that, you are just another ignorant fool spouting off about things you were told, and read, that probably for the most part have no basis in fact, and more than likely are patently not true at all.