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FEMA--Pastors Being Coached Into How To Control Us?

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From: F
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 3:43 AM
Subject: FEMA pastors being coached into how to control us? This is really scary.
Listen to this incredible series of videos exposing a government FEMA program for recruiting preachers to keep the public under control in the event of martial law.  Remember, when turmoil erupts around us, where do most people turn?  The answer:  their faith.  What will your pastor, rabbi or priest tell you, to fight against injustice and tyranny, or to quietly go into the night, passive and submissive all the way into the gas chambers?  
What it really amounts to is pastors, or those pretending to be pastors, using the Bible as a tool to control Americans when the enemies of our freedoms come in and start closing down our nation, confiscating our weapons and finishing what has already been started in DC and on Wall Street, the final take over of America and the end of our freedoms.
For example, these men pretending to be Pastors give=2 0their oath to FEMA (FEMA is an arm of the United Nations - and we have millions of UN Troops on our soil right now) to control us with religion and tell people to submit to government, no matter how outrageous the government acts, or even if it acts in total contravention to our constitution or God's Word.  For example, they will use the Book of Romans, Chapter 13 (obey the government and rebellion against the government is rebellion against God).   By the way, Hitler did exactly the same thing. 
Does Romans 13 really speak to people sinning if they rebel against an unjust government?  What would have happened if Christ never disobeyed the unjust Roman government and never preached the truth?  What if the founders of our nation never rebelled against the unjust British government and came to this land to found America?
People, there are already relocation/concentration camps set up in America.  Quit acting like it won't impact you - in denial - pretending it can't be true in America.  People, it is true and we are not far off from another major event - be it biological - be it nuclear - economic - whatever - which will lead to martial law.
We are getting close to a very serious time in America - likely far worse than what we are experiencing already.  It is not because of foreign terrorists, it is because of terrorists on Wall Street, in Washington DC, in the secret societi es, the treasonous intel agencies, and in the international banking community - end of story.  You want conclusive proof?  You have seen hundreds of trillions stolen from Americans on Wall Street and in the banks - yes?  How many people do you see in jail?  Could the government be on your side if they let continually permit criminals steal everything from us with zero accountability?  Is it possible?  
Please reconsider your disbelief and prepare yourselves and your families.  Prepare and protect yourselves.