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'The Wind Demon Within Me'

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: AS
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 7:36 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 I don't really have a question, but rather some interesting information you may be interested in checking out.


 I have just finished reading a new book called "The Wind Demon Within Me," written by a woman who states this to be a true story of being demonically possessed and how it occurred after joining Jehovah's Witnesses. This woman in her book step by step discovers that it is her very connection with them that has brought on her problem and she eventually leaves the organization. The book was very eye opening. I couldn\'t help but be drawn to your website that spoke of Jehovah\'s Witnesses and their Freemasonry connection.  This woman, to me, proves their connection, but also what they do with their Enochian Magick, which as she points out is used by all Freemasons.


 This story will move you and open up to you answers beyond the fact that they were obviously Freemasons. It will answer the question as to why Freemasons, who basically worship Lucifer, would be interested in running a Christian religion for over 100 years.  What would be the point?  The Watchtower symbol on their magazine and which is the name of the very magazine and a figure of which is on top of their world headquarters, which is a symbol that is strongly made use of in Enochian magick, is a witness to the fact that they are still involved in Freemasonry.


 This book will tell you in a moving way I have not read before what heinous acts they are up to and her step by step discovery of how they secretly perform these heinous acts without anyone easily being able to figure out their connection with them. Her investigation is thorough and convincing. Her use of detail, dates and a journey that sometimes seems unbelievable along the way, but by the last chapter all is brought together and connects.  A hint of what they do as Freemasons is in the title. Something I had never heard of before, but now understand so much more about.  Many people's minds are blocked to believing in such things as demons or demonic possession, but that alone is a hindrance to getting at the truth and how they keep perpetuating the secret atrocities they are into.  This slant on demonism is a whole different one, I guarantee, than you have ever heard of before.

 I am going to insert a paragraph from a lesson (lesson I) being taught on Enochian Magick on the internet by a Frater David Jones.  You can find lessons I through V on your internet, and note how much of the lessons center on the watchtower.  In this paragraph, I have capped the word Watchtower and note how they use that figure to conjure up ELEMENTAL forces. 


"The WATCHTOWER structure begins with the Round Table of Nalvage and progresses to the construction of the WATCHTOWER themselves, where the Calls or Keys are both related and divergent. The WATCHTOWERS are themselves complex magikal figures from which lengthy hierarchies of angels can be derived. It should also be noted that the hierarchies thereof are related not only to the symbolism of the biblical books of Revelation and Ezekiel but provide geometric means of associating and CONJURING various complex combinations of ELEMENTAL, sub-elemental, planetary and zodiacal FORCES."

 Here's to truth and enlightnment throughout the world.




 Eyes now wide opened



