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Still Believe in GWB? Wake Up People !

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From: F
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 3:20 PM
Subject: Still believe in GWB? Wake up people....
Surrounded by his secret society cohorts (note the Masonic aprons they are all wearing), who do you think JFK was warning us about when in his speech to Americans that secret societies are part of a "ruthless monolithic conspiracy" to deprive us of our freedoms?
Why has our nation fallen apart?  Does this secret society, amongst others working in concert, have a plan for world control?  Remember, JFK said a "monolithic conspiracy" meaning it is huge and unified.  Now you know what the new world order is, also known as the one world order.   The New World Order is not new at all.  It is the elite degenerates of the world uniting to enslave the rest of us.  They are politicians and elite bankers and elites within the cor porate world, sadly, with the assistance of many in the legal, scientific and medical professions.  They all have in common the same mental illness or superiority and a belief in slavery.  We have seen it many times before in history, and we are seeing it again right now.  The difference between then and now is the extend of their influence (religious, media, education, political control) and they have the technology to pull it off.
Remember, freedom is NEVER free...
A little more information for you to read..  simply amazing what the elites hide behind their veils of deceit.