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Responses: Catholic Inquisition Office in Vatican Seeks to Silence & Ex-communicate Anti-war Priest Roy Bourgeois

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----- Original Message -----
From: JS
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:04 PM
Subject: RE: Cathollic Inquisition Office in Vatican Seeks to Silence and Ex-communicate Anti-war Priest Roy Bourgeois because of his suppor

I hope this titbit of historical background may be of interest:

Catholic Inquisition was founded in 1231 by the Pope Gregory IX who was anxious to rid the Church of the many sects prolifering in his time that were leading people astray from the true and only (Vatican) version of the Catholic Faith.

(Not to be confused with the Spanish Inquisition that was an ecclesiastical tribunal established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. This one was in fact to replace the medieval inquisition which was under Pope. The new body was under the direct control of the Spanish monarchy. It was abolished in 1834, during the reign of Isabel II. However, the news did not travel well these days and so the very last autodafe in fact was held by this then already defunct in Mexico City in May 1850.)

The Holy Office of the Inquisition changed its name, but not its motive, means or methods, a number of times: In 1542, Pope Paul III made it into the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition. Next, it was renamed in 1908 by Pope Saint Pius X as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office . And its name was changed again at the end of the Second Vatican Council n 1965 to Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Finally, in 1983, with the new code of Canon law, the word "Sacred" was dropped from the names of Vatican Congregations to yield its present day version: the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, or CDF.

Unlike the Spanish Inquisition, the Holy Office of the Inquisition was never abolished. And our present-day Holy Father Benedict XVI as the former Cardinal Josef Ratzinger was the head of  the CDF from 1981.

His staunch defence of church doctrine earned him be called "the Pope's enforcer" or "God's rottweiler". As it was said well before, the only Holy Trinity the Catholic Church was ever eager to worship and preach is Fear, Force and False Hope.



----- Original Message -----
From: HF
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:01 PM
Subject: Vatican

The article about “Catholic inquisition Office in Vatican Seeks to Silence and  Ex-communicate praised Roy Bourgeois” induces me for a view to the Audio  Letters from Dr. Beter. He was a best informated one, because he got his  informations from many secret services. The internet was not yet, and so he  made monthly audio letters and send it to many friends from 1975 till 1982. I  read them, and I have no doubts about his integrity; and if you will read  them, I believe you will agree to me. And you will understand better the  history of the last century, not only for America. You find all 80 Audio  Letters here:

I know, the following part from audio letter 41 will be a very hard heap for  all catholics, but you should know the lie you are fed with. Here is a longer part from Audio Letter #41, Dec. 26, 1978, Topic #2:

“Four months ago in Audioletter No. 37 I revealed that Bolshevik influences  within the Vatican were preparing to throw the Roman Catholic Church into the  Bolshevik war against Russia. Two months later I explained how Pope John Paul  I had run afoul of this game plan, and what had happened to him as a result.  I also pointed out the tangible evidence which was available to prove my  charges of deceit and fraud within the Vatican. And now, the real Pope John  Paul II has also fallen by the wayside, contrary to appearances.

As I explained in Audioletter No. 39, Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Poland was  elected pope because the Bolsheviks wanted to make use of his anti-Communist  image in their war against Russia; but as Pope John Paul II, he also had a  flaw which the Bolsheviks could not tolerate. From the moment he became pope,  Wojtyla made it clear that he intended to shake up the Vatican bureaucracy  known as the CURIA. Initially, he did not re-confirm any top officials of the  Curia. He merely asked Cardinal Villot of France to stay on as Secretary of  State “until other decisions have been made.” Through these actions and other  statements, Pope John Paul II made it clear that he was planning to  completely restructure the Curia.

Any such restructuring, my friends, would have dealt a serious blow to  Bolshevik power within the Vatican, for it is through the Curia that the  Bolsheviks now exercise their Vatican control; and their key agent, Giovanni  Cardinal Benelli, is one of those who would have been replaced in a Curia  reshuffle. But the Bolsheviks had known that Cardinal Wojtyla, as pope, would  try to change the Curia. As Archbishop of Krakow, he had often spoken in  favor of such restructuring; so when he became pope, they were already  preparing to make sure he did not carry out his plans. When Cardinal Wojtyla  was named pope on October 16, 1978, it was only his anti-Communist image that  the Bolsheviks wanted. Wojtyla himself was a strong-minded man, not the type that usually makes a good puppet; and so,  even before his election, Wojtyla’s  unacknowledged replacement was being prepared.

For the first few weeks of Pope John Paul II’s reign, he was kept busy with  public appearances. On October 27 he began his shake-up of the Curia by  firing a veteran Cardinal, Cardinal Felici, as President of an important  Vatican council. But his heavy schedule of public activities tied his hands  for moving rapidly on the promised reforms. Then in mid November the Pope  virtually dropped out of sight for a time, but on November 21 the Vatican  released an announcement that was as brief as it was stunning. As of that  date, Pope John Paul II was said to have confirmed in their posts all of the top  Curia officials who had served the previous two popes, without explanation.  We were told in effect that Pope John Paul II had undone his own plans for  Vatican reform.

My friends, here is what actually happened. During the period in mid November  when Pope John Paul II was seen very little, his poisoning was in process.  Beginning November 18 this took the form of a very powerful air-borne poison  based on plutonium and zirconium, a variant of the poison that produces  Legionnaires’ Disease. The Pope’s condition deteriorated rapidly, and he died  at approximately 4:00 P.M. Rome time on November 20, 1978. Shortly thereafter  his body was secretly removed from the Vatican, being taken first to an  interim location about 45 miles northwest of Rome. By 8:00 P.M. Rome time the  following evening, November 21, his body had been cremated. It was earlier  that same day that the Vatican issued the terse announcement saying the  entire Curia had been re-confirme  by the Pope. Since that time an actor has  been playing the part of Pope John Paul II.  This man is neither Polish nor Christian.”

And now the question: is Benedikt XVI. the original Josef Ratzinger? Or is he  a clone? Or an actor? I don’t know. But it seems to be sure, that the forces  behind him are the same, who murdered Karol Wojtyla; and they never are  disciples of Jesus.

Now it’s your own decision to follow them or Jesus.


H F.
