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Geneology and Religous Cults

Gary Colin

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1) The Merovingian (South France, French) Family Blood Line Dynasty claims to be descendants of Jesus Of Nazareth (Yeshua, Joshua, Christ, Messiah, Saviour, Savior) through Mary Magdalene (and her children).

2) Mary Magdalene and other disciples of Jesus (Yeshua, Yoshua, Joshua) are believed to have stared Gnostic and secret (esoteric, symbolisms, hidden meanings, metaphysical, alchemistry) cult religions. The Essenes, Nazarenes, Ebionites, and other \"hidden meaning\" religions are part of this (Egyptian freemasonry and superstition (spiritism).

3) George Bush and Dick (Richard) Cheney are relatives of The Merovingian Bloodline.

4) Barack Obama is related to (cousins) Dick Cheney. Thus Barack Hussein Obama is in the bloodline of Mary Magdalene (Jesus, Yeshua, Joshua). Barack Hussein Obama has many similarities to the Beast. We will discuss these similarities with the Bible and Obama’s astrological chart. We will discuss this later in this study.

5) Merovingians are followers of Egyptian Freemasonry (Greek, Rome, Europe, India, Aryan, Media (Medes), Persia, Babylon). Thoth (the Egyptian) Is also Hermes. Freemasons are servants of Venus (the Pentagram, the \"star\" of David, the Star of Bethlehem above Baby Jesus Mother Mary, Miriam, Goddess, Mother Heaven). The Gods, Kings, and High Priest use Bees (Deborah Prophetess) in their worship. Bees are communication messengers. The Honeycomb (and Bee\'s nest) is a sacred instrument of freemasonry worship. Many freemasons teach that Atlantis came before Egypt. Many freemasons cherish the Druid Priests.

Freemasons believe in the Oneness of God and Nature (one world order). The Merovingians claim to be descendants (bloodline) of the \"gods\" (Elohim) whom God (El, Allah, YHWH, Yahweh, Yahveh, Jehovah) used to make man in their image (Genesis 1:26-27). Enoch said that many of these \"gods\" (Angels, astronauts, spirits) traveled in \"flying ships\" (Wallace Fard (Farad) Muhammad claimed to be a God who flew in a Mother Plane (Wheel, Ship, Vessel). Elijah Muhammad (Nation of Islam, Muslim, Moslem) also preached about spacecrafts (ships). Louis Farrakhan hails Obama Hussein Barack as a type of Fard Muhammad. Freemasons (occults, illuminati, sons of light, enlightened ones) are behind every major religion and big business on earth. Most religious and political leaders are freemasons such as: Charles Taze Russell, Judge Joseph Rutherford, Joseph Smith, William Branham, and many other leaders were freemasons. King James was a freemason. The Holy Bible is a product of freemasonry.

6) Hermes (Thoth)(Greek mysticism, spiritism, philosophy) met Leviathan who goes by these names: The Divine Pymander, Poimandres, The Vision, Quinotaur, The Beast, The Lion, The Viper, The Antichrist, The Dragon, The Fiery Flying Serpent, The Head, The Father Of The Lie, The Judge, God (Lord) of the Underworld, Lord of the Sea (space, bottomless pit, prison, abyss, eight (kingdom) sphere, (fourth) dimension, tunnel, afterlife, deep, death, grave, sheol, hades, hell, fire), King Neptune (who is also hailed by Merovingians), Poseidon, Son of Perdition (destruction), Destroyer, King, Prince, Darkness, Black, Wormwood and many other names. The Book of Enoch also speaks about Leviathan and Behemoth (as does the Book of Job)

7) The book of Job is Proclamation of Leviathan. God warned to send taskmasters, craftsman, workers (wrought), tent makers (the tenth is a return to peace with God Revelation 21:1-5) and serpents (John 3:1-10) to his people when they sinned (committed iniquities) against Him (Matthew 7:22-23; Acts 18:3; Acts 19:25-27; Revelation18: 22; Exodus 5:14, 19).

This is why the book is called, \"Job (work)\". God wrote this book to make two strong points: A person\'s own works will not prevent God\'s Judgment and \"Leviathan (Satan) will be the \"god\" God uses to Judge His own (Revelation 12:1-14; Job 1:1-10; 1 Corinthians 5:5). Leviathan is called the black skinned Dragon (Job 30: 29-30). God hails Leviathan at Job 41:1-end. Leviathan is the Antichrist. This Beast is God\' worker who works the iniquities out of God\'s people (just as Satan did Job) (2 Thessalonians 2:7-10; Matthew 7:22-23).

8) Barack Hussein Obama is a Leo (August Birth date). His astrological sign is strong with Scorpio rising (Revelation 9:1-15). In mythology (Egyptian Freemasonry, mysticism), Scorpio (the Scorpion King) (Revelation 9:1-15) Killed Orion (Ox, Taurus). The Orion (Egyptian pyramids) holds the seven stars of Pleiades (Job 38:30-32). Maia (the wife of Vulcan the Fire God Deuteronomy 4:24) is the eldest sister of the seven stars. Venus (the Goddess of freemasonry) is the younger wife of Vulcan. Jesus Christ (as Scorpion King Revelation 9:1-15) will also holds these seven stars (Revelation 1:14-16) at the Lord\'s Day (Revelation 1:10; John 4:24). The astrological Neptune is also connected to Barack Obama (as it is connected with Merovingians).

9) Leviathan, the Lion (Leo) Beast will continue to subdue Media (Medes) Persia (Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, (Genghis Khan-Nostradamus). When ancient Media Persia is subdued, God\'s people will begin to be gathered (this might entail religious persecution) and God\'s House will be built (1 Peter 5:8-10; Psalm 104:20-27; Revelation 13:1-10; Revelation 17:10-16; Revelation 12: 1-15; Acts 28:1-5; Isaiah 27:1; Isaiah 14:29; Isaiah 30:6; Ezra 1:1-5; Daniel 10: 12-13, 20-21; Daniel 8:3-7).

10) Leviathan, Neptune, Poseidon, Pymander, Poimandres, Quinotaur, and Satan are all known for great wind storms, darkness, tornadoes, fires, wars, calamity, overthrow, financial collapse, food and other shortages, earthquakes, earth shifts, pole changes, earth warming, hail, floods, snow, and other catastrophes. The elohim (Merovingians) utilize these \"judgments\" to gain control of this earth. Joseph (a type of Leviathan) came to world power after a great drought (water shortage) and famine (no bread Lamentations 5:10-11; Genesis 46:3-4; Matthew 24:1-end; Luke 21:1-end; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Matthew 4:1-10; Revelation 17:1-16).

11) Planet earth is approaching a time when Egyptian Mysticism (Freemasonry, \"New Age\", Spiritism (psychics, mediums, nether world, dimensions, dead, afterlife, occult), Metaphysics, Alchemistry, and Higher Sciences) will rule the world again. Secret societies call this, \"The Rising (Emerging) Of Atlantis (Edgar Cayce)\". In 2008 the world\'s top Religious Leader and top Governmental (political) leader (both Zionists, freemasons) stated that \"Herod the dictator of relativity\" must be \"put to death\". The theory of relativity was conceived by Albert Einstein (a Zionist). This theory limited the reaching communication with other life and other worlds. This theory also opposed Catholic universalism (one rule, one ruler). The Bible\'s Herod is associated with attempting to kill Jesus Christ (Christianity), persecuting Christians (Peter, James, etc), and the dying of a person who goes into the afterlife (deep, bottomless pit, prison, fourth (dimension) world, eight kingdom !


This person then returns to life on earth inhabiting or influencing another person. Herod believed that Jesus was a \"resurrected\" John. In Acts 12 (Easter-the Goddess of Resurrection) Herod is mentioned. Peter is believed to have been imprisoned (\"put to death\"), but miracously escapes (lives again) (Revelation 20:1-15). Herod is another name for Herut. In mythology, Herut killed Ra (Horus). Ra is the Sun God whom Bible interpreters (translators-Freemasons) fashioned Yeshua (Jesus)after. These Freemason Bible interpreters changed Yeshua\'s (Yoshua\'s, Joshua\'s) name to \"Jesus\" after their god Zeus. Whenever Herod is mentioned, these freemasons are referring to Herut the End of Ra-Jesus-Christianity. This End will Begin their New Age of occultism.