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"President Bush -- America's Second Roman Catholic President!"

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What facts allow me to make this statement? The Pope is dressed in pure white, while the President and others in his greeting party are dressed in very dark colors, either black or dark Navy Blue. This manner of dressing is Zoroastrian and very Illuminati.

We explain this issue in an archived article, NEWS1608, entitled, "Pope Always Wears White, Visitors Wear Dark -- Illuminist Symbolism Dating Back 4,000 Years Ago! White/Black Dress Symbolism Shouts That The Pope Is God!"

In this picture, note that Pope Benedict XVI is dressing in pure white, while Bush is wearing either a dark Navy Blue or black and Laura appears to be wearing black. How does this Yin-Yang type of dress symbolize that the Pope is God? Quoting a portion of NEWS1608:

"... in February, 1997, Netanyahu and his wife, Sarah, traveled to the Vatican, where, dressed in black, they met with the Pope, who was, of course, dressed in white (another Zoroastrian contrast)." Tim Cohen, "Antichrist and A Cup of Tea", Prophecy House, Inc., 1998, p. 411.

In Black Magick Witchcraft, the color white is considered the preeminent color. Since the color, white, is comprised of all colors, and black is a lack of color, white is considered most powerful; black must give way to white. Further, white is considered to be inherently based in the spiritual, since white is the color worn by Zarathustra, the founder of the pagan religion of Zoroaster, and quite possibly, the precursor to Antichrist. In late 1996, I received an email from a person who identified himself as a Black Magick Satanist; he stated that, while I understood much about Black Magick, I needed to be aware that the book, "Thus Saith Zarathustra", by Nietzche, would be the "Bible of Antichrist".

We find it highly interesting to see that President and Mrs. Bush are faithfully adhering to the Illuminati principle of Zoroastrian symbolism featuring White/Black dressing! Furthermore, since the most powerful color is White and is considered spiritual, then "black must give way to white".

Even the Bible says that black can never conquer white!

"And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it, put it out or absorbed it ..." (John 1:5; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

Light (white) overpowers darkness (black). This is Zoroastrian tradition, which is reflected in this manner of dressing. Thus, Bush and his entourage are symbolizing that they consider the Pope to be spiritually superior to them!

Zarathustra was a Luciferian Messiah who wore only white!


Further, in the third picture of him, we see Zarathustra making the "mudra", a hand gesture with the thumb extended to the right and slightly up, and the forefinger pointing upward. This gesture is defined by the Dictionary of Mysticism as "a mystic seal of Oriental occultism; a series of occult signs made with the fingers, and considered to have magical effects ." [Quoted by Dr. Burns, "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 231; Emphasis added]

But, then, Dr. Burns tells us that this "mudra" is a method of telling us that a person is a supernatural being, a god. "In addition to mantras and yantras, the third way of representing deities is through gestures (mudra)". [Ibid.]

Now -- notice the Sun behind Zarathustra's head, another symbol of the Divine! The Sun behind him is also a symbol of God, the Sun-God. The Master standing in front of the Sun reflects the glory and the power of the Sun. But, Satan the Hydra Serpent is also symbolized by the Rising Sun! [Cisco Wheeler, Former Black Magick Satanist]

Thus, Zarathustra is saying in this picture that he is Deity, he is God, the Lucifer Sun-God ! [Ibid.]

Finally, notice that Zarathustra is carrying a Staff of Authority, or a Rod, in his left hand. This Rod is also a symbol of the Lucifer Sun-God . There is tremendous Satanic power behind a Staff -- Rod -- of Authority.

But, the fact that Zarathustra is carrying the staff of authority in his left hand - this symbolizes that this Lucifer Sun God is pursuing the evil, "left-hand path"!

Therefore, by adhering to this symbolism, President Bush is signaling his acceptance of the Illuminati plan at this moment in time, in elevating the Pope to the position of spiritual superiority over him and all political leaders. In fact, Bush is symbolizing that he considers the Pope to be God!

In this vein, consider this most shocking news story.

NEWS BRIEF: "Bush Says He Sees God in Eyes of Pope",, April 13, 2008

"U.S. President George Bush said that when he looks into Benedict XVI's eyes, he sees God. The president made this affirmation Friday when he answered the last question posed him during an interview with Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) anchor Raymond Arroyo ... Finally, Arroyo asked him, 'You said, famously, when you looked into Vladimir Putin's eyes you saw his soul. [...] When you look into Benedict XVI's eyes what do you see?' "

"And Bush answered immediately, 'God'."

However, this symbolism does not mean that the Roman Catholic Pope will be Antichrist. Revelation 13:1 reveals that Antichrist is the "first beast", a political beast arising out of the "sea". Revelation 13:11, we see the False Prophet arising out of the "earth"; further, we see that this second beast "had two horns like a lamb", which means he shall present himself to the people as a Christian leader and will be accepted as such. But, his heart will be Satanic, as he "spake as a dragon".

Revelation 13 also reveals that, while the second beast possesses the same demonic power as the first beast, he is subservient to the first beast. A review of verses 12-15 reveals that all his miracles were directed to the first beast, the Antichrist.

Therefore, when the Illuminati stages their Masonic Christ, the Pope will be his False Prophet. Indeed, that is the Plan, as revealed in our archived article, NEWS1052, where I heard with my own ears in August, 1991, the New England Director of the House of Theosophy declare that the Illuminati had just formally decided that the Roman Catholic Pope would be the future top leader in the global New World Order Religion! That designation means that the Pope will be the future False Prophet!

These news pictures of Bush and Pope Benedict demonstrate that the Plan of the Great White Brotherhood is on schedule and on track!


III. As Pope Benedict traveled to the United States, a huge cloud of scandal hung over his head -- the horrific and very widespread sexual abuse of children by Roman Catholic priests.

Pope Benedict tried to diffuse the scandal.

NEWS BRIEF: "Pope voices shame, regret", Detroit Free Press (, April 16, 2008

"ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, Md. -- Pope Benedict XVI arrived Tuesday to a presidential handshake and wild cheering, hours after saying he is 'deeply ashamed' of the clergy sex abuse scandal in the U.S. church."

" 'It is a great suffering for the church in the United States and for the church in general and for me personally that this could happen ... It is difficult for me to understand how it was possible that priests betray in this way their mission ... to these children," the pope said. 'I am deeply ashamed and we will do what is possible so this cannot happen again in the future'."'

Then, in order to underscore his determination to prevent this kind of sex abuse of innocent children in the future, the Pope said, " 'We will absolutely exclude pedophiles from the sacred ministry', he said in English. 'It is more important to have good priests than many priests'."

However, many relatives of sex abuse victims were not satisfied with the Pope's remarks.