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Christianity: A Non-Christian Religion

Ron Van Dyke

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(Rush Limbaugh used to refer to his listeners as ditto-heads , which is what I mean by me-too clubs—people devoid of independent though, and often with seared feelings, who project everything outward, never facing what is inside of us all. Of course, I haven’t listened to him in years. Is he still around?)

Much of the problem is that Christians, by far and large, still have the attitude of soldiers marching unto war; but it isn't the cross of Jesus that they march under, it's a banner of prejudice, and sometimes even hatred. Everywhere, in everything, they perceive an outside enemy that must be defeated at all costs; and many so-called Christians spare no amount of unmerciful judgments in waging their holy war against the evil they see in others. Is it any wonder there is so little manifestation of the loving kindness taught by Jesus, from whom Christianity supposedly derives its name?

In Windows of the Soul (published by Nelson, a Bible and Christian book producer — and authored by Paul Meier and Robert Wise) there is a great saying that I wish everyone would understand. It’s a quotation taken from Frances Wicke's book The Inner World of Choices. "For every war has its beginning in the heart and mind of man. The primary battle is with the inner enemy. Until a man has conquered in himself that which causes war, he contributes, consciously or unconsciously, to warfare in the world."

There, for those with discernment, is the answer to the question: Why is Christianity no longer a Christian religion? It has, for most practitioners, never penetrated into the inner realms of their being. As it exists in the world today, Christianity is a mostly surface religion – many front organizations for bigotry and other narrow-minded viewpoints held by people who refuse to grow up. Yes, most of my Christian brothers and sisters, because they are too busy minding everyone else's business, have no inkling of what lies within them on the inner planes of their own beings. Their religion reflects this lack of true integrity – integration of the paradoxes of life. They have become the heathen who are always in a rage against…almost everything. What a travesty!

Paul and Robert, a minister and a psychologist, pointed the way out of the quagmire for Christians who aren't even aware of how much they have become the very antithesis of Christian values and principles. Again, from Windows of the Soul, I quote from page 81 in the chapter entitled, The Windmills of Your Mind. The subtitle is The Shadow. "Repression of the Shadow's existence often results in moral explosions that wreck people's lives. [Isn't that the truth!] On the other hand, failure to recognize the Shadow produces both hypocrisy and intolerance for which church people are often noted, unfortunately. Moral courage and humility are required to face up to the Shadow lurking in the Wilderness. But here's the surprise: Sifting through the garbage leads to a wonderful discovery. What seemed so repugnant generally turns out to be pure gold!" (Have I not long taught – since those days when I published Paradox Magazine –that there is treasure in the darkness, if only we are willing to face it honestly as part of ourselves?)

Here are two Christians with marvelous insight. Unfortunately, most Christians will never hear them – or the many other voices that speak in the wilderness. They are too busy fighting the devil in everyone who disagrees with their particular bandwagon issues to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. So, these men within the church, and others like me who have left it, are effectively silenced in that our words of wisdom never reach the ears of most. The blame for this lies directly with the church leaders who run the show and direct the current battles of Christian soldiers who know little about the Prince of Peace. And so, Christianity has become a non-Christian religion!

I remember several years ago when The Tabernacle Church here in Melbourne, Florida was hosting on-going revival meetings. It was well publicized and people were coming from all over. Various preachers filled the pulpit each night. I decided to go on a Thursday evening just to see what was going on there. The crowd was large, perhaps 250-300 people. The speaker was from an evangelical congregation that held their meetings in the old Catholic Church hall in Melbourne. I don't remember his name, but I'll never forget his title: WE HAVE MET THE PHARISEES AND THEY ARE US! What a marvelous time for me to be in attendance. I was amening him throughout his sermon. He was right on. Still, I have to wonder how many actually heard him with the ears of their heart? How many of these well-meaning Christians had their armor penetrated enough for the truth to reach their soul so that healing could begin? I wish I could say the message landed; but as I perceive most fundamentalist and evangelical churches today, they still seem to be major training facilities and gathering places for the wars so popular in those circles today. That's sad – truly sad!

Why is it, I ask with so many others, that those who claim to be pro-life are also pro-war. How can so many still support G.W. Bush and his terrorist regime? I watched the interview posted on one of my favorite websites, FourWinds, earlier today: BANNED President Bush Interview . It was an interview by a courageous Irish journalist who challenged Bush on many fronts, including his faith. He said, “The God I know is one who promotes peace and freedom.” Of course he, Bush, promotes neither; yet so many Christians see him as one of their own. He also talked about terrorists being willing to kill innocent people. Was he describing his own administration? Such hypocrisy! He was right on one point, however, when he quoted “the good book” saying we should not try to take a speck out of someone else’s eye when we have a log in our own. Of course those were words attributed to Jesus (or as Patrick Bellringer (the FourWinds creator) calls him: Esu Immanuel).

Whatever he was called, having been raised in that evangelical culture, I still and will always have great respect for the living Christ; however, the historical Jesus is not as important for me as he once was. That man is no longer with us in the flesh; and we cannot know him that way. But we can know him or her as the living Christ within each of us. The Spirit of God fills us and gives us Life, Light, and Love. By grace we can laugh at our own inconsistencies, our own human frailties. That ability to recognize and laugh at our self is our greatest strength – as long as we own those inconsistencies and frailties as our own, instead of projecting them as belonging to someone else, to others.

Because we are loved truly and unconditionally as we are, we can love others as they are. That, to me, is the essence of real Christianity (and Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all the other religions).

Because of that Love and Grace, I can even love my Christian brothers and sisters who do not understand and, therefore, refuse to embrace the paradoxes and contradictions in their own lives – yes, even George Bush, whom I once called: An Unlikely Hero. Still, it really does break my heart that Christianity has become a non-Christian religion.

I am ready for the awakening. Are you? Namaste