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Signs Seen At The Washinton Demonstrations

Penn Faculty & Staff Against War On Iraq

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10) Patriots are idiots - Matriarchy Now!

11) Resistance is Fertile

12) (Pictures of sheep carrying flags) Stop Mad Sheep Disease Now

13) (UFW sign) Pick Fruit, not Fights

14) (On a five year old) More Candy Less War

15) Say can you see my democracy?

16) (With pictures of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld) Asses of Evil

17) It's the oil, stupid

18) War is expensive, Peace is priceless

19) Read between the Pipelines

20) No More BuSh

21) Smart weapons, Dumb president

22) The only thing we have to fear is Bush himself

23) How many Lives per Gallon?

24) Peace Takes Brains

25) Anything War can do, Peace can do better

26) Negotiation Not Annihilation

27) Make touchdowns, not war - Go Raiders!

28) Another patriot for peace

29) Oh, Say, can You Cease?

30) Star Spangled Bummer

31) Don't Arm a Son of a Bush

32) Don't do it, George, Dad will still love you

33) Power to the Peaceful

34) The last time we listened to a Bush, we wandered in the desert for 40 years.

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(Penn Faculty & Staff Against War on Iraq).

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