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Peaceful Protesters Receive Rubber Bullets And Tear Gas In Albuquerque

And Tear Gas In Albuquerque

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3d. Peaceful Protesters Receive Rubber Bullets and Tear Gas in Albuquerque

The crowd of protesters in Albuquerque, NM was rather small. Only 100-150 people showed up for this evening's march. I repeat there were only 100-150 people present. We gathered at UNM bookstore and then, escorted by police, we marched down Central Avenue, some side streets, and then back to the university. On the return march two protesters tried to sit down in an intersection and were arrested. One warning shot was fired by riot police.

To keep the crowd moving up Central Avenue, they used pepper spray. Riot police were very quick to raise their guns directly to protesters' faces. The march returned to UNM bookstore where the nonviolent protesters occupied an intersection. Riot police decided it was time to facilitate the flow of traffic. They decided we had voiced our opposition long enough.

We were inconveniencing the city. WITHOUT WARNING (They gave no statement of "if you do not clear the intersection you will be arrested") riot police began shooting protesters in the intersection with paint balls and rubber bullets. One man who was kneeling in the street said that three riot police stood a few feet in front of him and shot paint balls directly to the front of his body, including his face. He had bloody marks on his temples from the impact. The first tear gas canister was thrown by a squad of riot police who had strategically moved behind the small group-there was almost no where to run except into another line of armed belligerent police.

Burning and choking from the gas, we were forced onto UNM property in front of the bookstore. Here, off the streets, we should have been able to remain all evening in our protests. But our right to free expression was met with more tear gas. Another gas canister was thrown into the crowd on the campus property. A protester was struck in the head with the canister. Seemingly unconscious, she had to be taken away by ambulance. I do not know anything about her current condition.

Children were present at this protest. My eyelids continue to burn as I write this. And I wonder why such action against a small group of nonviolent protesters seemed necessary. This must be patriotism I taste in my throat. Ephia (co-founder Djalma Primordial Science, Albuquerque, NM)

3e. From Karen:

To all who were out there and continue to be out there on the streets:

First I want to say that the emotion of the protestors last night and of people in the whole world community is so powerful and in solidarity right now.

We know that the increased internal aggression of the state correlates with the external aggression and is part of the effort to control and distract us from our focus. If we end up in confrontation with the cops (which is their plan), not only do we lose focus on stopping the war and regime change, but we also betray our love and peacefulness by becoming angry and aggressive in reaction. Many were brutalized and arrested for no reason other than just being there and expressing their rights. So it is difficult to not become consumed with anger when witnessing this--especially the scene in front of the bookstore when the cops surrounding the man in need of medical care, not allowing anyone to help him. Though it seemed that the cops were made to feel uneasy surrounded by all of us who chanted and shouted our outrage and concern. Did anyone else feel this?

Any news on how that man is doing? And any others who were injured/arrested? I wish that we could find or maintain a way to not let our focus be taken away, to keep united and strong in our peacefulness and positive feelings, when confronted by the police who want and are ready for us to react aggressively, (and the corporate press co- opts this and eats it up.) I know that many are aware of and live by methods of non-violence and can share their wisdom. it seems like the circle is a powerful formation, and that song is a powerful source of unity. What are others' suggestions?

3f. From Jo Ann:

I was there last night and I was also appalled by the cops behavior. I'm from East L.A. and let me tell you, it seems that these law enforcements bafoons have been watching too much COPS & are following in the footsteps of the LAPD.

Why isn't anyone talking about the woman who was shot by at least 20 rubber pellets only about 2 feet away. No one is talking about can we make that be heard and what are the legal observers doing about it, can we file a class action law suit. So many people were gassed!!!!

3g. An idea sent anonymously:

Everyone contact the Justice Dept., section that handles Community Policing Grants, and ask to have the grants pulled for non-compliance.

3h. From Elena:

I was at the Demonstrations last night. The police were yanking people out of the crowd at random and arresting them for doing the same thing everybody else was peacefully demonstrating and chanting Peaceful chants. They picked on the drummer.

Bandannas,vinager and water proof clothes, and water are good ideas.

According to Democracy now There have been 1000's of arrests around the country and millions round the world 1500 protested in SF. One guy jumped from Golden Gate Bridge and committed suicide in protest of war. In NY families of 9/11 dead protested. IN Virgina/NY bridges were blocked. In Austrilia 25,000 demonstrated. In Germany 250,000/ 100,000 in France including 1000's student walkouts . Spain 1.2 million. In turkey clashes w/police/

There are 70,000 Turkish troops ready to sieze Qurdish land.

3i. From Sue:

I marched with others to the highway where the group split up. Police were being very aggressive - for no reason except that people did not stop when told to. I saw horses (almost) running people down, pushing them over, and one cop who started beating on one guy who was behind the banner for no reason except to stop him from walking. Eulynda Benalli (who is dsiabled with a cane) and I sat in my truck at UNM next to the protest; cops told me to move, then another gave me opposite instructions. Then they began beating on it, hit it several times. I yelled at them to STOP hitting my truck with their clubs.

Took Eulynda back to school to her car in blocked street section with cops yelling at me to GET OUT OF HERE all the way. In my opinion there was no reason to inflict tear gas on these people (we got semi-gassed in truck) or use such aggesssion on people. sue
