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News From Freedom Drive 2002

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es from the drive

News of the event

Bob Schulz--Chairman WTP Foundation



All wage earners and employers should STOP paying taxes until redress.

We will oppose force with force.

Our cause is just.

We have the right to defend our families, our homes, and our freedom.

ACT of Resistance

The Constitution governs the government, not the people

Unauthorized war, run away debt, freedom is almost dead.

The government has failed us.

OUR ANSWER-CIVIL ACTION--Non-violent, pro-active response.


The Constitution is hanging by a thread!

Government's only legitimate purpose is to serve the people--the people are masters, the government is the servant.

The right to petition for redress of greviences is the basis of our liberty.

The government is the enemy of freedom. The right of redress of greviences before payment of taxes.

If the government will not answer the people, the people have the absolute right to withhold their money. This is a fundamental right.

NO--they have ignored the PEOPLE.

Is anyone from the government here?

Sherry Jackson--

CPA, CFE, former IRS Agent

Income tax is slavery

John Turner--

E/A, former IRS Revenue Agent

We will not be ignored any longer

American People will hold congress responsible

No other compelled tax will be acceptable

Congress should force IRS to obey the law and stop collecting taxes through Federal Income Tax

15 years with IRS as tax collector

IRS depends on fear and ignorance.

IRS manipulates its computer system.

IRS cannot identify a law that requires anyone to file.

IRS has no lawful basis to assess liability

IRS knows employers do not have to withhold

Joe Banister--

CPA & former IRS Special Agent, CID (Criminal Investigative Division)

IRS Agents--Please show your backbone and come out and join the Freedom Movement. 1998 is the last year I filed. Not a dime paid to IRS for 2001, 2002. There is no law that requires me or anyone else to file. The government has not and will not tell us what law requires a filing of Income Tax

Read Mr. Banister's report at

Yes the Internet Webcast is ON!!!!

Short Break...enjoy the Music of Poker Face

Speakers to resume shortly

Three Former IRS Agents to Speak Next

Joe Bannister

Sherrie Jackson

John Turner

Stay Tuned...

Robert Schulz--Chairman, We The People Foundation

Will the government reply?

Walker Todd--Law Professor, Expert on Federal Reserve System

War Powers Act

Federalist Paper #69--President restrained from committing troops. Both executive and congress must agree about war making. Congress must declare war before troops committed.

Federal Reserve Act

Constitution does not allow for central bank/Federal Reserve During the Convention, members explicitly denied establishment of central bank.

1836-1913 no central bank

Credit is more difficult without a central bank

All power has been centralized in Washington DC

Patrick Henry--There is no retreat...but slavery...Give me liberty or give me death

Schulz and WTP look foward to working with ACLU

Nadine Strossen, professor NYU Law School, ACLU Attorney

ACLU eager to work with WTP Foundation in preserving liberty

Government wants to establish "Virtual Grand Data Base" to include every transaction in your life--Credit Card Purchases, Website visitation, e-mails you send, all bank deposits, all medical records...Big Brothers ultimate dream

Schulz Challenges Government to Respond

Washington DC Police Attempt to Derail Drive

DC police and helicopter arrived at Fredrick, MD at about 7:00 a.m. local time and attempted to halt the drive. After some negotiating, all 600 vehicles were permitted to continue along route 66 into DC

Caravan Travels DC Area

The caravan traveld by the White House, the Capitol, and the Supreme Court. It also circled the Federal Reserve Bldg. and the IRS. Horns honking, people shouting, flags flying--it caused significant awareness.
