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The World Unites To Stop War Crimes

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arrying out hundreds of anti-war actions in communities around the United States, yesterday, March 5. It is undeniable that the anti-war movement emanates from every community now, and it has become a powerful force demanding a halt to Bush's war drive. VoteNoWar members and ANSWER youth and students participated in many of these actions.

The reason the anti-war movement is growing so fast is that the world recognizes that the Bush Administration is not only planning to carry out an illegal unprovoked assault but that it intends to use methods that constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity. The reign of terror and violence is no longer a secret but the declared policy and strategy of the Bush administration. Fearful that a large number of U.S. casualties will intensify a political backlash at home, the war planners are openly admitting that they intend to create maximum terror among the Iraqi population.

A front page article in the New York Times yesterday reported the Pentagon's plans for "unleashing 3,000 precision-guided bombs and missiles in the first 48 hours of the campaign. General Myers warned that the American attack would result in Iraqi civilian casualties...'But we can't forget that war is inherently violent,' he said. 'People are going to die. As hard as we try to limit civilian casualties, it will occur. We need to condition people that that is war. People get the idea this is going to be antiseptic. Well, its not going to be.'" ("U.S. General Sees Plan to Shock Iraq Into Surrendering" New York Times, March 5, 2003)

Those of us who are unwilling to be "conditioned" must do everything in our power in the next days to make March 15th a day that tells the Bush administration they cannot launch this slaughter.

More than 120 representatives from the anti-war movement in 28 countries convened in London this past weekend to strategize and coordinate international efforts to stop the war on Iraq. The U.S. was represented by a delegation from the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition.

The London Meeting issued a statement of international coordination that called for "a massive escalation of action in the next weeks to try to prevent war," and announced demonstrations, protests and mass actions on March 15 in solidarity with the Emergency Convergence on the White House. (The text of the London Statement is below.)

Reuters/ Molly Rilley

The worldwide anti-war movement is working together in an unparalleled effort of coordination and solidarity as people around the world fight for peace and justice, not just each for themselves, but for each other.

We need your help to build the March 15 Emergency Convergence at the White House. Please make a tax deductible contribution online, or by check, by clicking here now.

For information on transportation from your area, or if you can volunteer to organize transportation, please visit .

Downloadable pdf flyers are now available on our website for both East coast and West coast mobilizations.

The Washington Post featured an article on the London Meeting that also discussed the growth of the global peace movement and the important Cairo Conference of last December, at which ANSWER Steering Committee member Elias Rashmawi was elected Vice President of the International Campaign Against U.S. War on Iraq. (A link to the Post article follows the London statement below.) As in America, where the peace movement for the first time is representing the breath and diversity of all of the people of the U.S. from different backgrounds working together, the international movement is recognizing and supporting the struggles for justice of populations throughout the world whose voices must be heard for a truly representative and effective peace and justice movement to emerge.

VoteNoWar members can be proud, not just for making an effort, but for making a difference.

In solidarity,

All of us at

Statement issued by the London Meeting of the international coordination against war March 1st 2003

Following the unprecedented success of the global anti war day on February 15 we announce a massive escalation of action in the next weeks to try to prevent war. We believe a war on Iraq is wrong whether it has the backing of the United Nations or not.

There will be direct action at military installations and to stop military transport, mass pressure on parliamentary and United Nations representatives, student strikes and occupations, workplace industrial action, the establishment of peoples' assemblies and popular consultations against war.

Every day now is crucial in the campaign to stop war.

In many countries there will be mass demonstrations on International Womens' Day March 8.

In many countries there will be demonstrations, protests and mass civil disobedience on March 15 in solidarity with the 'Converge on the White House' demonstration in Washington.

March 21st will be wherever possible a day of workplace solidarity against war. This will involve workplace assemblies and various forms of industrial action. In some countries national strike action against war is being already being planned on this day. We call on trade unions everywhere to support and promote action against war on March 21st.

We put the warmongers on notice that if they ignore world opinion and launch a new attack on Iraq there will be a tidal wave of resistance.

On the day of an attack we call for mass protests in the centre of every town and city in the world.

The following Saturday we call for mass demonstrations in every capital city.

We stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Iraq in urging everyone, everywhere to play their part in trying to stop this

insane war.


The delegates.

Washington Post

March 2, 2003

Organizers of Antiwar Movement Plan to Go Beyond Protests

link: .
