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msey Clark on C-Span



MAY 19-20: Days of nationally-coordinated local actions protesting Bush's new attacks on Cuba

On May 20, President Bush is scheduled to speak in Miami, announcing a new round of hostile and aggressive measures against Cuba. On May 19 and 20, people across the country will be holding demonstrations and press conferences opposing a new U.S. war and threats against Cuba. The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition urges all of its Organizing Centers and affiliate groups to organize demonstrations or to join already-planned demonstrations that show solidarity with the Cuban people at the time that the Bush administration strengthens the criminal blockade of Cuba and intensifies its hostile and aggressive measures against Cuba.

The May 20 speech by Bush will be the next step in a longer process initiated by the ultra-right wing foreign policy team in the White House and Pentagon who seek to overthrow the Cuban government and return Cuba to a state of colonialism. In recent weeks, the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has issued a statement in solidarity with Cuba in the face of this new aggression by the Bush administration. Nearly 5,500 people have signed that statement in the last two weeks. Now is the time to take action. The global anti-war movement that now exists in all countries can, through its united actions, strengthen solidarity with the Cuban people at this critical hour.

We encourage people to consider Federal Buildings and other central locations for demonstrations in your city or town. Please respond and let us know about local demonstrations and press conferences by filling out the easy-to-use form at



The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition congratulates the local Philadelphia organizations who have come together to issue a call for thousands of people to join in a national march on July 4 in Philadelphia protesting U.S. wars at home and abroad. The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition urges its Organizing Centers and all people of conscience to be in the streets of Philadelphia on July 4.

Karl Rove, Bush's chief political strategist, corrected a student who challenged him last week by asking how the administration could justify war with Iraq when no weapons of mass destruction have been found. Rove responded: "First of all, its the battle of Iraq, not the war." He then explained that "the war" is an ongoing war against terrorism that has no fixed end date. This is the most explicit confirmation that the Bush administration plans to carry out regime change, either through invasion or stepped up covert operations, against all those who attempt to retain nominal sovereignty over their own land and natural resources. Syria, southern Lebanon, Palestine, North Korea, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Iran and other countries are slated for aggression. We must all come together to support the call of the local Philadelphia organizations in order to ensure the largest mobilization possible.

Following is a statement issued by a number of the local Philadelphia organizations about the July 4 national march. In addition to the July 4 national protest, a number of groups are sponsoring local and regional protests on that weekend. Philadelphia organizations involved in the local, regional and national protests include Philadelphia A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism), PRAWN (Philadelphia Regional Anti-War Network), Minority Experience Network, Avenging the Ancestors Coalition (ATAC), Unite for Peace, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, and others.


George W. Bush has been invited to the opening of the National Constitution Center. We need to be there to say No to U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad; No to Colonialism and Empire; End the Occupation of Iraq; No to Racism, Attacks on Civil Rights and Immigrants, the USA Patriot Act and the Shredding of the Constitution; and to Call for Funding of Social Programs - not the Pentagon's War Machine.

The 4th of July weekend offers a great opportunity to remind the world of our determination to oppose the never-ending series of wars in the various forms it is taking against people here and abroad. The Bush wars for empire require a massive transfer of wealth from social programs. While the administration hands out lucrative contracts to Bechtel, Halliburton, and Exxon, and pushes for major tax giveaways to the already very rich, it fails totally to address the problems of widespread unemployment, increasing imprisonment, and cuts in healthcare, education, transportation and housing.

The income gap is widening -- the average CEO today makes 531 times the average worker. Repression is deepening -- over 2.2 million people are incarcerated, 3,000 on death row and due process continues to be denied for U.S. political prisoners Mumia Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier and others. Bigotry is on the rise - thousands of immigrants are detained without trial, Affirmative Action is under attack, and rightwing politicians seem to feel they have carte blanche to attack the rights of workers, people of color, women and lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.

Many people are expressing fear and concern about the direction the U.S. seems headed in with the ultra-conservative administration of Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz and the rest. Congress appears unwilling to offer and real opposition, and the Supreme Court seems to be just a rubber stamp for administration decisions. It is up to the people of the U.S., in solidarity with the global movement for peace and justice, to take up the challenge.

Already groups [in Philadelphia] are planning local, regional and national protest, actions and events for the first week of July: Avenging the Ancestors Coalition (ATAC) has a protest for July 3; groups may be protesting the PA state budget cuts slated for July 1; and more.

Let's work together to support these events and to build for the National Protest on July 4 in Philadelphia.



MAY 17-18 New York City

These and other action plans and proposals will be a focus of discussion at the upcoming National Anti-War Conference in New York City taking place this May 17 & 18. In addition to mapping a national action plan for the next months, hundreds of anti-war activist and organizers from across the country will share information and discuss the most pressing issues of the day in exciting and informative workshops and plenary sessions.

For details about the conference - including the schedule, logistical and housing information, an online pre-registration form, transportation from your area & more - go to


There is an important and major story in the Monday, May 12 Washington Post that reports on the ground-breaking free speech lawsuits litigated by the Partnership for Civil Justice -- one of the member organizations in the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition steering committee - on behalf of the progressive movement:

STIRRING A CAUSE When Things Get Rough For Protesters, These Lawyers Go On The March By David Montgomery

The D.C. police want everyone out of 18th Street NW, and they mean now. They're pushing their batons hard against rib cages and backs. They're grabbing shoulders and shoving.

For the full article, go to:

To find out more about the free speech lawsuits, go to



Ramsey Clark was the featured speaker at the National Press Club luncheon today. He gave an important talk entitled "U.S. Militarism Threatens the Destiny of Humanity," with a question and answer period that followed. Mr. Clark gave an eloquent and impassioned explanation for the case for impeachment of George W. Bush and others in the administration for the commission of high crimes and misdemeanors, citing the war of aggression against Iraq and the assault on civil rights and civil liberties at home. This National Press Club luncheon is a don't miss TV experience.

His address will be aired on C-Span at 12:06 am and 4:38 am (on Tuesday, May 13). Please check the C-Span schedule at for schedule changes and future air times. The video can also be viewed on the C-Span website. Search "Ramsey Clark" in the Video Search section in the upper right hand corner of the website and select "U.S. Militarism Threatens the Destiny of Humanity."

--Email circulated by:

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition

Act Now to Stop War & End Racism


New York 212-633-6646

Washington 202-544-3389

Los Angeles 213-487-2368

San Francisco 415-821-6545

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