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Gather The Women!

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mitted to transforming the planet, 'Gather The Women' is planning a prime event for March 8th - International Women's Day - to link and unify women around the world for purposeful action on behalf of humanity and the planet.

Gather The Women is inviting women across the globe to create thousands of local, regional and national women's gatherings on March 8th and to come together for a global conversation and action toward positive change.

Can one billion women be mobilized? The idea is if only 3 women tell 3 women that equals 9. If those 9 tell 3 women there are 27. If those 27 women tell 3 women that totals 81. If those 81 tell 3 women that means 243, etc. By the 19th day the grand total will be 1,162,261,467 women. And they may just pull it off because 'Gather the Women' is a grassroots movement. It isn't centered around a well-financed organization or a popular personality. It's just every day women from around the world who are seeing their beautiful planet teetering on the edge of insanity. It is ordinary women who love their children and families and know that they have to do SOMETHING. It is ordinary women sharing their stories with each other, and mobilizing their friends for a better tomorrow.

The weeklong event actually kicks off on March 3rd with daily events planned throughout the week. These include a day of meditation and prayer (March 3rd), and day of introspection, reflection & contemplation (March 4th), a day of healing and forgiveness (March 5th), connecting & visioning (March 6th), purposeful action (March 7th), and Inspiration & Celebration on March 8th.

"Call the women together!" was the statement that launched the network that is now known as Women of Vision and Action (WOVA). Those words were voiced in 1993 by a Middle Eastern woman who had given up all hope of peace in the Middle East. In the midst of the woman's soulful story of having lost family and friends in the civil wars of her country, Rama Vernon held her hand, listened compassionately, and shared her pain. After a few minutes of silence, Rama asked the woman if there was anything that could be done to create peace. The woman said, her voice trembling with hope, "Call the women together. Perhaps it is through the women that we will find peace. Let us gather together for a day. Let us break bread, share our stories, our hearts, our tears and our visions for peace. Let us hold the vision until it becomes a reality."

Women of Vision & Action, (WOVA) a 501c3 organization, is a worldwide network of emerging and established women leaders from all backgrounds who are dedicated to a vision of positive change for the future and who are actively involved in making their visions real in the world. The intention is to ensure that women's voices and values are more fully represented in all arenas. The network consists of women who believe personal and social transformation are inseparable and mutually interdependent.

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