'No You Can't!' Anti-War Rally At WH 12-12
War Escalation - Warning of Reprisals To Troop Surge
WASHINGTON DC -- Over 100 leading peace activists have announced an 'Emergency Anti-Escalation Rally' at the White House on December 12, from 11a.m. to 4 p.m., to reject President Obama's planned military escalation in Afghanistan. The rally is organized by End US Wars, a newly formed coalition of national and grass-roots antiwar organizations, with endorsements from leading peace leaders.
Rally organizers are calling for the left wing to end its support for Obama if he declares a surge in troops, and for condemnation of Obama's war policy by his own party faithful. In addition, efforts will begin to cut short his term in office, along with Congress; and protests will intensify against U.S. war involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq and any other countries.
Speakers include: Cynthia McKinney, Sen. Mike Gravel, Kathy Kelly, Chris Hedges, David Swanson, Phyllis Bennis, Rev. Graylan Hagler, Coy McKinney, Debra Sweet, Brian Becker, Mathis Chiroux, Lynne Williams, Hon. Betty Hall, Elaine Brower, Marian Douglas, Michael Knox, Ralph Lopez, Ron Fisher, and statements from Col. Ann Wright, Stephen Zunes and Granny D (turning 100).
The coalition End US Wars follows a letter, written by Laurie Dobson of Maine, demanding that Obama keep his promise and end the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars; call a ceasefire on Predator drone attacks over Pakistan; and begin immediate reconstruction and recovery in war torn regions. Along with the rally on Saturday, December 12 at 11 a.m. in Lafayette Park, the film "Rethink Afghanistan" will be shown Friday December 11, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., at Busboys & Poets, 14th and V Streets, NW, Washington, DC. For information, email: contact@enduswars.org or visit www.enduswars.org. For press inquiries, phone: 207-604-8988.
Classical economics is only value-free on its surface. In actual fact it ignores power in the world. In actual fact it ignores that its outcomes ALWAYS hurt the lesser much more than they do the greater. Economics is not just the dismal science, it is the shameful fancy window dressing of the exercise of naked power by the rich and the owners against the poor and the workers. It is the condom which makes safe and obscure the ways we are screwed. Wythe Holt 5/21/09
Solidarity is the path as well as the destination of socialism. Solidarity grieves when a worker loses his job or sees her pension slashed. Solidarity cheers when a union wins middle-class pay. Solidarity rejects the greed of insurers as the distributor of healthcare and demands single payer for all. Solidarity smells the rat who divides white from black, black from gay, native from newcomer, or America from the rest of humanity. By Phillip Bannowsky