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The Billion Person Peace Meditation December 30, 2002 AND March On The White House January 18, 2003 AND Anti-War Referendum

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ONE BILLION PEOPLE in peace. Like the Clarion Call of the Archangels, "We the People – The Voice of Peace" will create a global healing experience through toning (ie. Ah, Hu, Om). Please join us on December 30, 2002 and unite with spirit and all of humanity. "Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice … let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them shout (sing) from the top of the mountains." Isaiah 41:11 As always in love, Reverend Carol Morishige, Honolulu Church of Light Global Times: 4 PM – Hawaii 6 PM – Pacific USA 7 PM – Mountain USA 8 PM – Central USA, Mexico 9 PM – Eastern USA, Peru 11 PM – Brazil 2 AM – GMT, United Kingdom (12/31) 3 AM – Western Europe (12/31) 4 AM – Israel, Greece, South Africa (12/31) 5 AM – Saudi Arabia, Moscow, Kenya 7 AM – Pakistan (12/31) 9 AM – Laos, Thailand (12/31) 10 AM – Hong Kong, Taiwan (12/31) 11 AM – Japan, Korea, Palau (12/31) 12 Noon – Guam, Papua New Guinea,

Sydney, Australia (12/31) 1st Hour: Rev. Sterling will be joined by special guests 2nd Hour: THE BILLION PERSON PEACE MEDITATION

THE BILLION PERSON PEACE MEDITATION: We will begin with an opening prayer by Reverend Fred Sterling in the 2nd hour of the broadcast @ 5:15 PM Hawaii / 7:15 PM Pacific USA / 8:15 PM Mountain USA / 10:15 PM Eastern USA / 3:15 AM GMT

For more information: Kirael Shift Report -

December 2002 Scroll down the page for Q & A:

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JANUARY 18, 2003:


People in the United States and everywhere have an obligation to stop the Bush administration's mad drive to launch a new, all-out military aggression against Iraq. The Bush administration has no right to wage war against a country that is posing no threat to the United States. Disregarding all international law, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and company are planning to send tens of thousands of young GIs to kill and be killed in a war for Big Oil. The January 18, 2003, march on Washington DC will call for civilians and soldiers alike to exercise their political right to speak out against an illegal war that will benefit only Exxon/Mobil, Texaco, Chase, Citibank, Raytheon, Lockheed, Boeing and George Bush's corporate backers who are his real constituents.

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JANUARY 18-19 2003


*** as of 12/11/02 :January 18, people across the United States will converge at the West side of the Capitol Building in Washington DC and march in a mass demonstration to the Washington Navy Yard -- a massive military installation located in a working class neighborhood in Southeast Washington DC that parks warships on the Anacostia River. We will demand the immediate elimination of US weapons of mass destruction and a people's inspection team will call for unfettered access and a full declaration of U.S. non-conventional weapons systems.
