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Let's Band Together With World Puga!

By Dirck Hagers

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ards, Letters, e-mails to the World court and every where else for that matter, while we have been standing outside the World Court with placards and handing out flyers with just fair results. This is all very good!

But we are forgetting to remind the NESARA supporters and Funding recipients, that one of the most important occurrences is about to happen, which is the “Harmonic Concordance.”

Just consider this:

The last Harmonic Convergence was back in 1987 and the one on November 8-9 may be our last one for a long time. The point about any Concordance is that it all depends on “ CONSCIOUS INTENT AND CHANGE”

“Temporal consciousness” or time, is essentially a dimension of ACTION. This certainly seems to have been demonstrated by recent “Mass Consciousness” experiments on Art Bells Coast to Coast radio show.

The background to these experiments was Research conducted by the “Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Institute,” which has placed thirty two data recording instruments around the world, to pick up changes in the Earth’s field.

On 9/11, a couple of hours before the first plane struck the World Trade Centre, the Princeton group reported, there was a significant perturbation, or change, in this field.

Inspired by this indication that a field of Mass Consciousness exists, which carries some sentience about the outcome of human events, Bell and his guest host, George Noory, issued specific requests to their vast numbers of radio listeners challenging them to act “COLLECTIVELY” in order to deliberately influence that field of consciousness to achieve a POSITIVE OUTCOME.

The last such challenge issued was for the audience to VISUALIZE a resolution to the Washington “Sniper Crisis” such that the situation would be resolved quickly and no one else would be hurt. The two suspects were arrested in the early morning hours, immediately following the Art Bell show. No one was injured in the capture.

Doesn’t this tell us something? Why shouldn’t this work in the case of NESARA and the Humanitarian Funds? All it needs is for Like Minds to meditate and, visualize their Positive outcome, all at the same instant of time, around the world. Most of us have been promoting NESARA ever since it’s conception, so now we have a chance to at least try it with the aid of the great promise of the “Harmonic Concordance”

This event is only the last in a long line of coincidences ( although there is no such thing as coincidence) of many types that show us that this “Concordance” message is indeed an open invitation to play in the field of temporal dimension. Why not do so in the most inspired possible manner? Which is precisely the point.

During this rare moment, the Cosmic “I AM” will flood the Earth with unprecedented frequencies of Divine Consciousness and lift every man, woman and child a quantum leap into the remembrance of the Oneness of All life.

It offers us an exceptionally propitious moment ( shared by all of us at the same time throughout every zone time) for the further graduation of humanity as a whole and for Mother Earth as well, as they share the same lineage.

So let us link together at the same time World -wide to help collectively energize NESARA with it’s numerous benefits to fruition. NESARA YES, NESARA NOW!

So lets take ACTION while we can!

An Auspicious Moment Arises on Nov. 8-9, 2003.

This is Not a prediction. This is here, in this instant, cash in hand.

Through our collective intent, we have the opportunity to do something that has never happened in the annals of recorded history. By participating with others of like mind, we will generate and facilitate a massive shift of consciousness into a higher state of spiritual awareness.

On November 8 at 8:13 pm (NY time) we will have the opportunity to band and sound together and to co-create with each other “Project Om” a web cast on World Puja using our Sound, Light and Love at

At 8:13 pm (NY) a geometrically perfect six sided (Star of David) configuration will appear in the sky, linking and balancing the energies of six astrological bodies; the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn , Chiron, and our Moon. In addition, there will be an eclipse of the Full moon at this time.

Please check your corresponding Time Zones, made available on the above website and allow for daylight saving if /when required.

Dirck Hagers
