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A Plan to Safeguard our Dwindling Constitutional Rights

Raphael Sidelman

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I'm writing this as an urgent appeal for solidarity regarding a singular cause. My aim is to unite all of the many disparate activist organizations and concerned citizens on this fine site and elsewhere, who, thankfully, are constantly struggling to help right our ship that has gone dangerously off course.  

There is no question that in regard to our fundamental Constitutional rights we are all on the same page, and likewise there can be no question that this fundamental concern must, at this time, take precedence over all other appeals for justice.

When the entire framework of your house is bursting into flames, it is not prudent to put your efforts into fixing a lock on one of the doors, no matter how many times you've been trespassed upon.

To say to you that the United States is in the midst of a Constitutional crisis is like telling the chairman of the Federal Reserve that he's not a government employee...

We are all rightly upset about what's going on, but if we don't act together according to a rationally formulated plan, all of our complaints to the establishment amount to the mental masturbation of misdirected rage. Misdirected rage is what enables the cowardly, cheating matador to defeat the much stronger, angry Bull. There may be strength in numbers, but that strength only becomes power when properly focused. The bottom line is this: United we stand, divided we're getting laughed at.

The issue of utmost importance for us must be, "How do we begin to correct this?"- I say "begin"-, because thus far all of our attempts to right what's wrong have been crushed by the architects of the crisis. WE NEED TO START OVER. We need to focus our combined efforts on the weakest link in their chain of deceit.

We need to begin by properly educating the frontlines of their physical force - the Law Officers, Military Personnel, and other Civil Servants - who are being used to thwart our Constitutional right and duty as citizens of this country to demand a government whose power is derived from the consent of the governed.

This is the weakest link because at their core these people are patriotic citizens like us--the vast majority of them have simply been mislead into believing that their allegiance should be to certain branches of government rather than the Constitution that grants those branches any of the powers that they might claim. We need to properly educate these fellow patriots.How? 

Simply put, what I am proposing is that we all begin working together in an extremely focused effort to first enlist as many retired and active military, policemen, firefighters, government employees, and lawyers, as we can find - fellow advocates of our Constitutional rights who have a certain clout in their community and with those who are unwittingly on the front lines of resistance to the ongoing cause of freedom. (I'd be shocked if the NRA and ACLU wouldn't be interested in helping us further the cause).

We then need to help them begin an appeal to all of their local and regional professional associations and organizations to allow them to give lectures on the Constitution that will provide the participants with the facts, plus a beautiful, frame worthy certificate of their participation in the project (after they pass a brief exam) and a wallet sized card that they--and we--can proudly carry.

I'm not kidding about the frame worthy certificate; it should be of heirloom quality. And do not underestimate the strength imparted upon such cardholders. Picture the power of having hundreds and even thousands of peaceful, organized citizens holding up their cards as the riot squads who are proudly carrying those same cards in their pockets are told to unjustly disperse the crowd. You get the idea.

Then we must have those same proud owners of the beautiful certificates and wallet cards--and those who educated them--go into every High School and College that will have them, to properly educate every student possible about their Constitutional rights and how to safeguard them. Yes, they too will receive the certificate and wallet sized card after they pass the brief exam. Did I mention that the cards will need to be renewed every year by way of passing a brief exam, on or before the Fourth of July?

Then, we'll need to have our esteemed educators who have served in the military, go and visit every U.S. military base in existence to share their very popular, undeniably patriotic lesson with every one of our soldiers in the same way, so that the absence of the Posse Comitatus act will be less dangerous to the actual citizens of this country whose "Supreme Law"- is the Constitution.

As awareness of our organization spreads we will gain a substantial voice, not merely in the pathetic, corrupt mainstream media, but in direct contact with all of the properly educated citizens who will now understand and support our mission (and whose legitimate contact information we have).

There are obviously many more facets to this plan, but I think that I've presented the essentials, and I don't want to exceed anyone's attention span. I have purchased the web addresses of CONSTITUTION and CONSTITUTION; and a website can be put up at the address in no time--it can be as much of an information hub as we'd like.

I'm sincerely asking everyone who reads this to contact me about how they can each help to make this happen as quickly and properly as possible, and I'm asking that you help spread the word about this project to anyone and everyone who might be able to help bring it to fruition. Make no mistake about it, this will work if we all stand united in the cause! 

Please feel free to read my other posts so as to get a broader idea of what I stand for.

Author's Website:

Author's Bio: I strive to embody the concepts that I believe in. I strive to continually question what I believe in, and to continue investigating new ideas. I own a website that sells original T-shirts that I think up and design. The designs and their product descriptions are what I call my "musings from the outskirts of insanity". The name of the website is It is being remodeled and should be done soon. You can still check it out to get a basic idea in the meantime though. I recently put up another website called, where I present a document I have written in the name of the people of The United States of America, in an attempt to contribute positively to the ongoing struggle for freedom that has been losing ground in the United States for quite some time. I have written books on philosophy/self help, one of which I had published, entitled "The Way to The Way"; others are on the way to becoming available to the public. I intend to publish soon, a collection of hundreds of original aphorisms that I have come up with and have titled "Think about it". I'll include some at the bottom of this introduction. I'm a licensed massage therapist, I graduated cooking school, I'm single, etc... I encourage all feedback! Here a a few of the quotes from "Think about it": The term "paying attention" is a misnomer; lack of attention is what costs us. Luck favors those who best know the terrain, yet its greatest devotees are always those with no map. "Luck" is our way of admitting our limitations without having to recognize them. There's a damned good reason talk is cheap... It's the only thing most of us produce, and its production is incessant. The difference between lazy and content is that content didn't wait for someone else to set up the hammock. We are what we think and believe, so take your pick: Impossible/I'm possible. Show me something impossible and I'll show you what is imperceptible without a different wavelength of light. Remember, an obstacle for one is a gateway for another. Show me a want disguised as a need and I'll show you an expensive outfit. Only when there exists a passionate belief in what one is doing, does hard work transcend itself and become its own reward. A healthy society is an incubator of ideas, not the echo chamber of slogans. Surely, no more than a minute after the meek inherit the earth, someone's going to contest the will. Money invites power, but disseminated ideas are the currency that retains it. Boondoggle? You have to wonder how much doggling there'd be without someone thinking it a boon. Universally, the amount of space we think we need is directly related to what we perceive to be at the edge of that perceived space. Don't ever feel weak or inadequate because of your desire to hear a kind word; it is the sustenance of the gods. Money, class, and intelligence are as intimately linked as are seagulls and fitted sheets. Make no mistake; Sloth is Greed, without direction, uninspired. Who dares open the lock must admit they are the tumbler. Opportunity does not stand on ceremony; if you can't get to the door, open a window. Wisdom is the bridge that connects knowledge to understanding; it is constructed only through the constant evolution of applied learning. Generally speaking, trial and error consists of ten percent trial, ninety percent error. The ability to perceive of beauty is limited only by our inability to realize the complexity of the relationships involved in even the seemingly simple. The tendrils of past perceptions and their intertwined manifestations are my consciousness. I think that's enough for now. There are hundreds more where that sampling came from. Feel free to share them, I just ask that you please give me credit for them. They are all copyrighted.