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The Satanic Global Conspiracy

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, the national debt is being increased by the billions per day, government in general are not answering questions the people are asking, in any way, from IRS questions to WMD where are they? How many people have to die in other countries before we as Americans stand up to the lies of our government and demand truth be told?

Are you asking questions yet? Are you still asleep? Does this note aggravate you? Why?

Do you know the ONLY difference between our country, right this moment in time and the ship known as Titanic? The Titanic had a band! America is sinking and if YOU do not stand up and be counted as a patriotic American, then you have no one to complain to when the Nazi Jack Boot UN troops break down your door and haul you away in the middle of the night.

The future is set for Americans. A Martial Law is going to be called someday in the near future and "they" will take over at that point. We must fight in our own way to keep this from happening.

It's time to wake-up! What are YOU doing to carry on the fight started a little over 200 years ago by other brave Americans who founded this nation?

Mike & Marsha
