An Invitation to a Worldwide Peace Meditations03-22-06
Jacques Arongaus
If a Government like the one from the United States, has the free will to take unilateral actions and pre-emptive strikes against "seeded" countries, then we as Universal Citizens have the right to unilaterally invite our Space Brothers to come to our rescue, since that we will be exerting our free will.
Time and time again, we have read the non interference policy of our Space Brothers. But if we openly invite them to help us out in a more ostensible way, then they will not have any other alternative, but to come and help us to prevent any air strike and render useless any other war machine.
From the video of Steven Greer on the Disclosure Project, it is quite evident when a ballistic missile were disarmed by a UFO, when leaving our atmosphere in the direction of the Moon. This was witnessed by high ranking military personnel. This incident occurred back in the sixties, when the USA decided to pull a stunt to detonate a Nuclear Bomb on the surface of the moon, in a attempt to show their supremacy in space to the Russians (USSR). Just before the missile reached outer space, a UFO came, flew around it projecting a light ray and literally stopping the missile from going to space. The missile tumbled back disarmed and was destroyed.
This clearly shows us that they can do it. Now imagine us in great numbers formally requesting their intervention !!!
The Bush Government seems to be unstoppable and if we do not do something to keep this atrocity from happening and spreading, our planet will go through an enormous amount of suffering and a terrible scar both ecologically and in the World population.
This is very serious, Bush can plummet the World into the 3rd World War with its inevitable detonation of Atomic Devices.
Please think about it and write to your friends inviting them to do the same.
Please let me know what you think and also give me Ideas.
Love and Divine Peace to ALL.
[NOTE by PHB] It is both noble and urgent that Lightworkers pray and petition Creator God for Divine Intervention to remove Dark Forces from our dying planet, Earth Shan, at this time. We must restore balance and harmony to our planet in preparation for our transition into 5D, but know that by Divine Decree both no more nuclear for evil intent and no more war will be allowed on Earth Shan ever again. Let us order the Darkside gone from us forever. PHB.