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Elitist War Pimps

By Victor Thorn

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mbat. Bill Clinton was an unabashed draft-dodger, while President George W. Bush pulled some family strings and skated through in the National Guard (thus missing Vietnam). Likewise, not a single neo-con (the intellectual architects of our Iraqi war) enlisted, nor did media war-mongers like Rush Limbaugh or Bill O’Reilly. Even radio talk show host Mike Gallagher – one of the most vocal proponents of war – doesn’t bat an eye when none of his four male sons (aged 21-26) chose to not join the military and fight overseas; although he has no problem sending other people’s children to die. His hypocrisy is so repulsive that surely he’ll burn in hell on judgment day.

Yes, in war, people get shot – they get wounded – they bleed and lose limbs – and they even die. There is already legislation in Congress to re-enact the draft in 2005. Will the grandchildren of David Rockefeller fight? Not a chance; but John Smith’s kids (Goyim Cattle) who live on Main Street in Dayton, Ohio will open their mail some day to find a one-way draft notice/ticket to Iraq, Syria, or Iran. They might become casualties, but not those in seats of power and privilege. They’ll simply do what they’ve always done – send other people’s sons and daughters to die in order to further their own self-serving causes.

Quite possibly the best analysis of this situation was uttered by former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, who said that if someone believes enough in a war, then they better believe enough to send their own children to die in it. All of us should keep these words in mind as the U.S. & Iraqi body counts continue to climb. The poor will shed tears, attend funerals, and grieve over lost family members; but those who sent them won’t be subjected to such loss. Do you ever get the feeling we’re being screwed?
