The Constituion of the United States of America
Rod Remelin
So who exactly is responsible for the safe-guard and adherence to such a beautifully laid out blue print for parity between the people and their assigned government ? It is the people themselves, of course. . . but what people ? All the people in America ? All except ? Half the people ? In today's America, not only do the people-at-large not have the requisite English comprehension necessary to understand the grammar in both " The Bill of Rights " and " The Constitution of the United States of America ", moreover, even if they did, would probably not give one damn about it never having been adhered to, to start with.
So what good is a Constitution and Bill of Rights, if the majority of people can't possibly understand them, much less if they did, have any desire to correct their daily violations by all five branches of government.
Five branches you say ? There are only supposed to be three ! The 5 branches are as follows:
1.) Executive
2.) Judiciary
3.) Legislative
4.) Military
5.) AIPAC (Israel)
The people who now make up " The United States of America", don't even know what kind of government they have, much less the one they had and lost due to their volunteered participation in becoming fluently illiterate. At this stage of the game, if a Republic form of government were announced as the "now not-new" one in which America was converting over too, only 1 in a million would have the foggiest notion about what a " Republic " form of government was. . . as for the other 310 million, they couldn't care less.
Illiteracy + Apathy = Tyranny
If you have not read the "Bill of Rights" or "The Constitution of the United States of America ", lately, I suggest you start doing so on a daily basis, if for no other reason before your door gets kicked down, you will have had some contrast in your sense of the world between right and wrong, if not now able at this point in time to muster the difference internally.
Rod Remelin