Natural Person: Learn How You Have Been tricked By Your Government
From: Christopher Blatto
One of the ways Governments and other regulators have "captured" the rights and freedoms of the human-being, is to create for themselves an "artificial-person / corporation" who is not you, but whom the Government has fooled you into thinking is you (See Natural vs. Artificial). But, so as not to violate your fundamental rights, they also recognized a natural-person, or human-being, and left all of your fundamental rights intact.
This concept of an "artificial-person", a legally obligated entity, that appears to be you, but in fact is not, is a little difficult to grasp at first, but if you follow through this site, you will understand.
Once the Government creates an "artificial-person" that simulates you (i.e. appears to be the same as you from your point of view), but is actually a contrivance of government laws and regulations -- then they've got you, so to speak. And if you fill out paperwork and sign documents as if you were this artificial-person (create contracts), then they can make you totally subservient to all their rules and regulations:
1. Make you obligated to pay taxes,
2. Make you obtain a driver's licence,
3. Make you fill in census forms.
This site will explain to you the difference between your human-being, as you were born, your natural-person, and the legal entity that appears to be you (the corporation / artificial-person) from the Government's perspective. Although all issues discussed here are fully applicable to the laws of Canada, and many of them are also applicable to U.S. laws, it is not suggested that all information in this site pertains verbatim to U.S. laws.
Armed with the information freely available in this site, all American visitors are challenged to search their own laws and see how much of the data provided here applies to them in their country -- as well as all other western nations. Only by searching out the truth of the laws and your original rights and freedoms for yourselves, will you be empowered to protect your natural-person.