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  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff
Chicago Leaders Unload on Liberal Mayor Over Riot Response and Crime


Chicago leaders are attacking the liberal mayor over her failure to get control over the city, several things have come out that are very telling of the current situation. Mayor Lori Lightfoot has failed as a leader and the cracks are as apparent as ever with the ongoing in the city. Here are some of the worst things being said from within the city leadership:

1.) No Offense but F**k You

1.) No Offense but F**k You


“No Offense but F**k You “


This came from an argument between Lori Lightfoot and Ald. Raymond Lopez. Lopez described His area as a “warzone” and the Mayor accused him of being “full of Sh*t”. He replied with the quote above after the heated exchange.

2.) “Worse Than It Was in 1968”

2.) “Worse Than It Was in 1968”


“Worse Than It Was in 1968”


There were violent riots in Chicago during the year 1968, Ald. Ed Burke who was elected the year after said that the city was far worse today.

3.) 911 “Not Even Answering The Phone”

 3.) 911 “Not Even Answering The Phone”


“I called 911 … they’re not even answering the phones anymore”


According to one Alderman 911 wasn’t available while riots were going on, a second Alderman also stated that they couldn’t get through to the emergency service either.

4.) “Planned In Advance”

4.) “Planned In Advance”


The Mayor herself admitted that some of the acts of Arson were “Planned in advance”. This goes alongside what many have been saying where some peaceful protests were set up for a disaster as bad actors came to engage in violence.

5.) Neighborhoods Destroyed

5.) Neighborhoods Destroyed
Photo by Deroy Murdock


Ald. Raymond Lopez went on to share his thoughts on the coming disasters. “Half our neighborhoods are already obliterated … My fear is once they’re done looting and rioting and whatever’s gonna happen tonight, God help us, what happens when they start going after residents?”

6.) Deploy The National Guard

6.) Deploy The National Guard


One Aldermen suggested bringing in the national guard to defend the essential business. His point came alongside the fact that looters have destroyed grocery stores and pharmacies, the fear is that the vulnerable residents of the city will be unable to get food or medicine.