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US Strategic Command actually has a zombie apocalypse plan, complete with 'vegetarian' and bioengineered GMO zombies

Ethan A. Huff, staff wroter

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March 25, 2016

(NaturalNews) Remember when we warned our readers of an impending "zombie apocalypse" that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had developed official plans to address? Well, it appears that the Department of Defense has now jumped on board with its own strategic continuity program for combating a real-life zombie invasion, which may occur in the not-too-distant future.

Entitled "CONPLAN888," the detailed course, which was obtained by The Black Vault[PDF] from the National Security Agency (NSA) through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, outlines how the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) plans to deal with a possible invasion of zombies that look like humans, but that are actually just lobotomized human-like drones roaming the earth in pursuit of food.

According to the Joint Operational Planning and Execution System, the plan is to protect so-called "non-zombie" humans from being eliminated by these zombie drones in the event of a major emergency situation. It is anticipated that there will be many more zombies than humans roaming the streets in an apocalypse scenario, and preserving the lives of humans in such a scenario will be a top priority for the government, the documents reveal.

As explained in the plan:


"[The training focuses on how to] undertake military operations to preserve 'non-zombie' humans from the threats posed by a zombie horde. Because zombies pose a threat to all 'non-zombie' human life (hereafter referred to as 'humans'), USSTRATCOM will be prepared to preserve the sanctity of human life and conduct operations in support of any human population-including traditional adversaries."

Government developing plans to 'neutralize' zombie threat

The government's threefold approach to addressing the zombie threat includes:

1) Establishing and maintaining "a vigilant defensive condition aimed at protecting humankind from zombies."

2) Conducting operations, as necessary, that will "eradicate zombie threats to human safety," if directed to do so.

3) Aiding civilian authorities in "maintaining law and order and restoring basic services during and after a zombie attack.

The approach is systemic, covering a number of tactics such as "denial, deception, disruption, degradation or destruction" as a means of "neutralizing" a zombie horde. While this plan may seem like just a joke, it was actually designed as a serious but amusing way to help train military planners and outlines a realistic government response to a major societally disruptive event such as a zombie apocalypse.

So detailed is CONPLAN888 that it also includes a descriptive breakdown of eight different classes of zombies that might emerge in an apocalypse scenario. These include:

Pathogenic zombies created by being infected by a viral or bacterial contagion.

Radiation zombies created by being exposed to electromagnetic or particle radiation.

Evil magic zombies created by occult experimentation.

Space zombies created by extraterrestrial toxins, including zombie "satellites" that might threaten SATCOM services.

Weaponized zombies engineered through biotechnology for the purpose of attacking other nations.

Symbiant-induced zombies created by the "introduction of a symbiant life form into an otherwise healthy host" (see: "zombie fungus").

Vegetarian zombies that ravage plant life, possibly causing "massive de-forestation or elimination of basic food crops essential to humans."

Chicken zombies that manifest from old hens that are euthanized with carbon monoxide when they are no longer able to lay eggs, but that somehow survive and seem to come back to life as zombie-like creatures.

Perhaps all this worry about zombies is why the government has been stockpiling firearms, ammunition, coffins and various tactical gear as if World War III is at the doorstep. The powers that be are actively preparing for the breakdown of society – are you ready to survive the zombie apocalypse?

Sources for this article include:[PDF]