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Jim Stone

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April 28, 2015

Mayor commands police to give rioters free reign and help them loot and burn by stopping owners from defending their property while not interfering with violent rioters in any way!
Kerr wrote:
You may not read this email in time to listen for the real fireworks, but, I have been following the Baltimore Police scanner "live" off and on and it is pretty much verifying everything you said, which I agree with wholeheartedly. Several times about an hour ago I heard a Sergeant in an angry and heated tone of voice telling his patrol officers NOT to leave their cars and only drive around and report on what they saw regarding the 50 or so looters removing objects from a Target store.
Baltimore City Police Special Event Live Audio Feed I just LOVE that title, 'Special Event'. or
I listened to the same fiasco play out in Ferguson with the protesters. This will probably go on for a few nights of MSM hyped up coverage, so just make sure you listen after dark in Baltimore, that's when they really get wound up.
Gee, simply amazing that this is all starting exactly on the day that Loretta Lynch was confirmed as Holder's replacement. Nothing like following a script! Quick everybody, forget about Eric Holder and all the bullshit he pulled! Look, Look at the other hand!
There is only one way to fix all of this and what needs to be pulled ain't a lever in a ballot box!
As we all know, Problem, Reaction, Solution.
UPDATE: I CALLED IT - The scenario in Baltimore is unfolding EXACTLY as I outlined it below. The police have been ordered to not stop the violent rioters, and instead have been ordered to stop people from protecting their property from rioters by arresting and detaining those who protect their property. Baltimore is an intentional setup for martial law. THE NATIONAL GUARD HAS BEEN CALLED IN TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake admitted in a press conference that she gave instructions for police to protect protesters, including "those who wished to destroy," and to give them some space.
People who were victimized by the rioting have reported being detained in a baseball park as rioters looted and wrecked their homes! That's right - at the heart of the rioting, homeowners were detained in a ball park while the mayor ordered the police to not only permit violent protesters, BUT TO PROTECT THEM as they looted and smashed the city all the while non-rioters were detained to prevent them from stopping the damage!
UPDATE: Riots have since spiraled upward to apocalyptic levels.
Her public statement is here, At the 29sec mark and if this vanishes it is too late, people all over the place are onto this and it won't get buried. So now it is perfectly obvious, we have direct proof: The riots are, in effect, government sponsored and what will be the outcome to "problem, reaction, solution?" YOU GUESS.
And how about this for the full scenario:
1. Have paid off thugs parading as cops kill a few innocents to spark race hate.
2. Publish these killings with a broken record script, repeating over and over and over, to whip one race into a frenzy against the other.
3. Send agent provocateurs to spark violence during protests to get ordinary protesters to riot and start destroying
4. Order the police to not only stand back and let anyone smashing, burning and robbing to do it uninhibited, ORDER THE POLICE TO STOP ANYONE FROM PROTECTING THEIR PROPERTY WHEN THIS HAPPENS, ORDER POLICE TO AID AND ABET THE RIOTERS.
5. Then have a police state smack down, with more surveillance and more police state control over normal decent people.
That is how tyranny is born folks, and this time is the first time we can watch it as an established government act. UPDATE: THE NATIONAL GUARD HAS BEEN ACTIVATED, IT IS FOLLOWING MY SCRIPT TO THE LETTER.
Baltimore Mayor: We Give Protesters Space to Destroy | Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Press Conference :



My brother-in-law was a Los Angeles Country Sheriff during the 1992 LA Riots