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Blame Baltimore Riots on Obama

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April 26, 2015

The seeds of what happened yesterday in Baltimore were sown by President Obama going back to the Trayvon Martin case when his DOJ funded protest marches.

It’s called community organizing and that’s who Barack Obama is since he took office.

Like no other president in U.S. history, he has used the power of his office to foment chaos such as what we saw in Ferguson.

The media’s War Against the Police can be traced back even further with  Obama’s infamous comment, “…the police acted stupidly...”, when a police officer rightly arrested a college professor trying to break into his own home.  That statement set a bad tone around the country on how the community views police. 
Being mistrustful of the police in the Black community has a long history.  However, Democrats take advantage of this mistrust for political purposes to distract attention away from other issues. 

The rate ofBlack unemployment has skyrocketed under Barack Obama’s presidency.  Instead of focusing his energy to address it, it’s much easier for Obama to use his contacts in the community organizing world, like Al Sharpton, and politicize a White Cop killing a Black suspect. 
The corrupt media quickly falls in line with saturation coverage and the next thing you know nobody is upset with Obama’s broken promise of a better economy because they’re too busy burning down business. 
Mission accomplished!