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SEVERAL Michael Brown Witnesses Admitted They Lied about Shooting!

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Published on Dec 1, 2014

During the Ferguson Grand Jury, SEVERAL Witnesses ADMITTED they Lied BUT Media DOWNPLAYS this Bombshell Revelation! See video and please share it using the Youtube tools.

SEVERAL Michael Brown witnesses LIED: "On the stand, SEVERAL said they’d lied when interviewed by investigators." http://representativepress.blogspot.c...

Michael Brown kept coming at Wilson

What She Isn't Telling You:

Physical Evidence Debunks Michael Brown Witnesses Claiming He Didn't Move Toward Wilson

"… and he started charging towards the police officer. 

… he stopped running and when he stopped running the police officer stopped firing. And, then Mr. Brown continued, started again to charge towards him …" http://representativepress.blogspot.c...

Witness 48: And then a police officer hopped out of his cruiser and started chasing him, the dude turned back around and started charging towards the police officer, the police officer told him to stop at least three times.

Detective: Uh hmm.

Witness 48: And the boy wouldn't stop, he fired three rounds, the dude kept running, fired four more rounds, and then he finished off the rounds I guess, and he fell on the ground dead.


"… grand jurors and investigators challenged witnesses, asking skeptical questions of those who said the shooting was unjustified. On the stand, several said they’d lied when interviewed by investigators."

"The witness backtracked, saying the comments to the FBI were based on “assumption” and “common sense.” One woman admitted she lied to FBI agents on Sept. 30 when she claimed to have been a witness, saying she repeated what her boyfriend claimed took place. … She said she testified after the Justice Department granted her immunity and promised not to prosecute her for giving false statements."

"But in his grand jury testimony, this witness acknowledged that he had not seen that part of the shooting, and that what he told the FBI was "based on me being where I'm from, and that can be the only assumption that I have."

"An Associated Press review of thousands of pages of grand jury documents reveals numerous examples of statements made during the shooting investigation that were inconsistent, fabricated or provably wrong. For one, the autopsies ultimately showed Brown was not struck by any bullets in his back."

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