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In Re: Ferguson/St. Louis Civil Disorder: I can only conclude that we are seeing a well-orchestrated, well-funded, carefully planned event taking place. Essentially, what's taking place is a coalition of various Communist front groups and Muslim groups

/ John Moore / Steve Quayle

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Delc. 2, 2014

To: Concerned Parties


In Re: Ferguson/St. Louis Civil Disorder

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A week ago this evening, Mr. Robert McCullogh made his statement concerning the decision of the St. Louis Grand Jury to issue a "No True Bill" finding in the matter of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson shooting Michael Brown 9 August 2014.

It's been a long week!

In my speaking with a number of men working in Ferguson these past 7 days, I can only conclude that we are seeing a well-orchestrated, well-funded, carefully planned event taking place. Essentially, what's taking place is a coalition of various Communist front groups and Muslim groups. Each are competing for a piece of the pie for recruits, money and TV airtime.

Today, I visited the St. Louis County Government Center. These are four buildings in downtown Clayton MO housing County Administrative offices, Courts, Police Headquarters and the County Jail. Crowd-control barricades are in place surrounding all these buildings. I saw no police, MO National Guard, or protesters. Traffic was moving normally for a Monday afternoon.

I was told this AM that the Oath Keepers have handed out 1,500 cards to Ferguson residents with information as to who they are and their mission statement.

Just now I spoke to Mr. Sam Andrews, Tactical Commander of the Oath Keepers Ferguson Team. Sam has still had no communication with the Ferguson Unified Command Post.

He is openly offering to have a police officer embedded with his team to act as liaison. He hopes that when Mr. Stewart Rhodes arrives today that Mr. Rhodes can make some headway in the unnecessary conflict between the Oath Keepers and the various police agencies command and control. Prior to this Ferguson matter, Mr. Andrews has spent years interacting with many of the SWAT team members in the the Metro-St. Louis area.

Apparently the five Rams football players who came out of the stadium tunnel for the game yesterday, do not know (don't care?) that Michael Brown was not in the hands-up surrender position when he was shot, as they held their hands in the surrender position. It's too bad these multi-millionaires did not speak to the now-destitute Ferguson black business owners, burned out by rioters, before they made their "statement".

The NAACP "March to the Governors Mansion" from Ferguson is actually a ride in a bus. About 15-20 people march for about 30- 50 minutes. The bus stops, the marchers trade places with the riders and the march moves forward. It's going to be a long 120 miles!

Infowars has given details about the Federal tactical team screw-ups. Pretty humiliating!

Some web sites doing a good job reporting these matters:








Everyone I speak to has had quite enough, thank you, of the protests, rioting, harm to our community from the Muslims and Communists coming to our hometown and raising hell.

Sam Andrews has agreed to come on my show. The only issue is timing. He has been up all night, every night, for a week and has been sleeping during my radio show time slots.

Meanwhile, the Oath Keepers are on-duty, I'm on-duty, the police and Mo National Guard are on-duty and we're all hoping and praying for this matter to conclude soon.

Standing by,

John Moore