Teresa Mull
Thousands of Gun Owners Rally in Virginia, Nothing Bad Happens
Jan 20, 2020
Thousands of gun owners descended on Virginia’s capitol today to show their opposition to impending infringements on their Second Amendment rights, and, not surprisingly, the hysteria spread by the mainstream media about inevitable violence all turned out to be false alarms.
CNBC reports:
More than 22,000 armed gun-rights activists peacefully filled the streets around Virginia’s capitol building on Monday to protest gun-control legislation making its way through the newly Democratic-controlled state legislature.
Despite fears that neo-Nazis or other extremists would piggyback on the Richmond rally to stoke violence like the violence at a 2017 demonstration by white nationalists in Charlottesville that killed a counter-protester, the Capitol Police reported just one arrest, a 21-year-old woman taken into custody for wearing a bandana over her face after twice being warned that masks were not allowed.
A GPM contact in attendance reported thousands of gun owners braved the bitter cold for the non-hostile event that included plenty of pro-Trump paraphernalia, anti-Northam signs, and lots of chants of “U-S-A.”
At the end, while the crowd was leaving the rally peacefully, someone was handing out business cards urging people to enter to win a free AR-15. A woman in the group said, “Oh, no thanks. I don’t like guns.” When asked to clarify, she said, “I don’t like guns, but I do like the Second Amendment. I’m just not a gun person, but I’m glad the other people are.”