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The Mother of All Phone Actions: Call Today on Stopping Mukasey and Impeachment

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emocracy will turn on whether you personally pick  up a phone and a toll free phone call or two on BOTH of these issues.  It's a double header!

Here are three fresh, tested, toll free numbers to use for your  calls: 800-828-0498, 800-614-2803 and 877-851-6437.

First We Have To Stop Mukasey

Despite the fact that Mukasey still will not rule out torture as  official U.S. policy, and refuses to even admit that waterboarding (a  torture technique from the Spanish inquisition) IS torture, Diane

Feinstein (CA) says she is "planning" to vote for him. Despite the  fact that Mukasey refuses to concede that the president must obey the  laws of the land and not act as a law unto himself, Chuck Schumer  (NY) is "planning" on voting for him. Well, here's what we're  planning on doing.

We're planning flooding their phone lines on Monday. We are planning  on telling them that this is absolutely the last straw, and unless  Democrats like them find a spine and start fighting on principle they  can forget about any more campaign contributions.

Without the votes of these two Democratic senators Mukasey is  finished. What baseball team ever looked at the scoreboard in the 7th  inning and gave up because they were two runs behind? What kind of  crazy loser insanity would that be? And yet we heard a CNN fluff head  gloating on the TV about how the White House bullies win again. Well  we still have our power hitters coming up and those power hitters are  you.

Now, Feinstein in particular, and many of the other senators, have  this cute little game they play where they let their answering  machines fill up, to try to discourage people from even bothering to  call. So what we have done is create a special function on the page  below, where you can instantly look up all their LOCAL district  office numbers.

Stop Mukasey Action Page:

Go the page above if you can't get through to their Washington  offices, get all the local phone numbers and fax numbers, and call  them all. Let's fill up the DC machines if they try to hide in their  offices. Let's fill up all the local district office machines. In  fact do both. And then just to be sure, submit the email action form  on the same page to send them an instant email message.

We have 39,000 participants in CA and 16,000 in NY who will receive  this alert. You have the numbers to change the course of political  history. You have the power, if you just pick up the telephone and  make your toll free or local calls right now.

Because members of the Judiciary committee represent us all, you do  not have to be one of their direct constituents to call Feinstein or

Schumer, but if you are make sure you make that clear. This means  even those of you who do not have Democratic senators have a right to  have an impact on this. And remember, the more pressure we put on all  the other senators, the more the waywards on the Judiciary Committee

will feel it, including others lurking around who have not disclosed  their vote plans.

On Fox News, they said that waterboarding torture was basically like   swimming lessons. More like dying lessons if you ask us. The next  thing they tell us is that the Iron Maiden is like acupuncture and  the Rack is good for height enhancement. Are you outraged yet? Please  make as many phone calls as you can an encourage everyone else you  know to do the same.

Second, We Must Support H.Res. 333 To Impeach Cheney

Dennis Kucinich has stepped forward to bring the resolution to  impeach Cheney as a privileged resolution. This means that the House  is forced to consider it. So what are the so-called leaders of the  House planning on doing? They are "planning" on trying to quash debate with an obscure parliamentary trick called a "motion to   table". So what are we planning on doing?

We're planning on calling each and every member of the House of  Representatives and demand that they actually represent us. We're

planning on demanding that they support H.Res. 333 and give it a full  and free debate and hearing, and to reject the motion to table. We're

planning on telling them that unless they stand up for the people now, we will find new and different candidates for their seats, through primary challenges if necessary in the very next election.

Here again, we have created a special web page where you can lookup  the local district office phone numbers of your own personal house  member.

H.Res 333 Action Page:

Again, if you can't get through to your house member in Washington, use the instant lookup function on the page above to get the name of  your own representative and all their local phone numbers.

Unless Cheney is impeached they will absolutely bomb Iran. Unless  Cheney is impeached they will absolutely start World War 3, and very

likely declare martial law and officially suspend the constitution,  as just happened in Pakistan. They don't need any congressional  resolution to do it. They are determined to ignore Congress entirely  if necessary. There is no law they have not broken already. They are  constitutional outlaws to the core. The only thing that will stop

them is impeachment. And the only thing that will make impeachment  happen is your voices.

Please make your calls also to support H.Res. 333 now.

If You Can, Step Up For Kucinich Too

None of what is happening now would be happening without the  courageous leadership of Dennis Kucinich on this issue. Who else has  the sheer guts to call for what the American people want? If you want  to thank him for his stand on this issue, please consider making a  donation to him as well.

Kucinich Donations:

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed  to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

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