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Then and Now

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It’s ironic how in the beginning of the Iraq War fiasco, Americans were falling all-over themselves in support of it, would vehemently contest anyone taking a opposite stand, and would watch with pleasure as those who felt strong enough to protest it openly were being dragged away by military style police, and spat upon by those very same gathered to support their most cherished and illustrious leader's call to arms.

'But that was then, and in this now the Langoliers(1) have taken hold -- so watch the ground beneath your feet sports fans, step cautiously where you may, as the dead reach up to grab you.

(1.)  About this movie the Langoliers

When a plane passes through a mysterious time warp, all but a few onboard vanish. The survivors manage to land, and discover that time seems to stand still--and the mysterious Langoliers are in hot pursuit. The Langoliers' job is to erase moments in time that have already passed into history. The survivors still exist because they were asleep when the plane passed through the warp, and they determine that if they can all be asleep once again when the plane returns, they will survive. However, one passenger must remain awake--and doomed to die--to pilot the plane on its return through the warp...