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Mad As Hell -- Bush Asks To Interrupt ABC's "Path Of 9/11" for Primetime Address

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Y COME NEXT TERM. They have failed theirconstituents, and they have failed the American people as a whole. Theyhave violated our beloved U.S. Constitution and they have failed toremove a corrupt and criminally negligent Administration, They havepolluted our Nation with illegal aliens that refuse lawful Assimilation and they have blooded our Nation and others with one negligent piece of legislation after another or waged endless warfare that only sets the stage for further intrusions. Almost NOTHING WELCOME has come to this Nation and its people from its government for far to many years . We The People have had enough and will tolerate no more. So say we All. To all branches of our current government, Put an end to these abominations NOWor leave this country!

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----- Original Message -----

From: RH


Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 3:50 AM

Subject: [PagPawnt] Re: Bush Announces Sept. 11th Primetime Address, Asks ABC To Interrupt "Path Of 9/11

The show aired last night on the Discovery channel I believe. I watched a small segment of it. A lot of money was spent to make this movie from what I saw. In light of what I have learned since the actual event I could not bear to watch any more. I just want the truth to be completely out for everyone to see and hear. This wickedness and destruction has got to stop by those who seek to rule over and squash our life and dreams. It must stop NOW!!!!! I am sick and tired of all the lies of the political dark ones and their schemes to dominate and depress lives all they say in the name of God and the preservation of liberty. This blatant and arrigant hypocrisy must stop!!! Awaken America and the world. Awaken now to the truth that is before you. Awaken from your slumbers of complacency and see what is happening. It does not take light beings from other worlds or any other entities to realize what is before us. Its as plain as day. Critical mass consciousness on this planet is now. Make it so by spreading the truth you know in your heart and the knowledge you have now been reawakened too. Stand up and be counted. In whatever belief system you believe in look to the source for sustaining strength then get up and be the Masters you are on this planet to be. If we do not do all we can, then we have no one to blame, but ourselves. Arise, Arise!!!! Namaste, RH