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America, Which Way Is Down?

America, Which Way Is Down?

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ork hard to earn them. But there is a growing element in this nation which appears to take all the wonderful things America provides it's people for granted. "It's supposed to be this way so, gimme!" Never mind working for it. Gimme. Whether one is poor, wealthy or in between, we take our rights and our advantages for granted. No need to work hard for something. It's a given. And it's given to US by right. But something wicked this way comes. In fact, something wicked is already here. It's called complacency. It's goes by other names. Laziness. Couch potatoenss. Pure, unadulterated culpable stupidity.

In your opinion, what is the worst thing about America today? Police? Crime? Terrorism? Complacency? You may name anything you wish. But most of you will never believe what the real issue, the real problem ... really is. Hmmmm. Wanna try a guess? No? OK. I'll tell you.

It's you fool Americans. We used to be a hard working people. Now, according to our goobers in goobermint, Americans *NEED* immigrunt workers ... illegal immigrunt workers. We need them (again, because our goobermint says just the following ... ) we need illegals because Americans are unwilling to do the work they do. Can you imagine that crappola? But it's true. Honest to goodness true.

We refuse to pick cotton or watermelons. We refuse to be day laborers. We refuse to work for peanuts. Well, cancel that last one because no one should work for peanuts. However, all the rest are valid arguments and all the rest and so much more only proves the first few paragraphs. We are lazy. We want what's coming to US and us and we want it now, for free and we take it all for granted. And worst of all, we won't work for it.

We've reached a nexus. The point of no return. Unless we get the message, we are going to lose the advantage of success, the advantage of knowledge, education and progress. The advantage of being a wealthy nation, one where it's people are willing to take chances and make progress in all fields.

Are you a parent? Do you stay close to your kids in school, follow what's being taught, what's going on there? Go to parent/teacher type meetings? And have you noted the fact that the Oriental, the Asian child is miles ahead of your kids, your American kids in virtually all subjects? Have you noted that the Asian child works hard for those grades, works hard to get the knowledge needed to succeed in their lives? Takes pride in getting not just good grades, but superior grades? Huh?

If you haven't, then you are deaf, dumb, blind and terribly culpably ignorant, Yo. And your skills as parents lack big time.

Who loses? Not just your kids, but our future as a nation. Children are learning nothing worth learning. Yeah, they work hard, at doing little except waiting to get the hell out of school. They're working hard at being lazy, a trait which seems to be familial. No, not hereditary, familial. And the reason it's familial is simple enough. They get it from their lazy parents. The ones who both work hard, yes. But they work hard at work, not at parenting. So, their laziness is for parenting, not working at making money.

Making a buck so they can have that second new car. So the kids can have a good education which, by the by, they reject as being unnecessary and too much work. I mean, look at your parents, kid. What's their education level and look at what they have, what they've given you? Automobiles, cellphones, money in your pockets and etc. All nice things. You get those nice things, don't you? And what did you have to do to earn them? Not a thing. Nada. Nuttin honey.

You yak all day long on that phone, you learn just enough to get by in school, you have plenty of friends with whom you obtain those things which make you feel good. Some of that feel good stuff is really neat too. Like drugs. Yeah, they make you feel good. But not for long. And then the troubles come. The troubles are ... getting off the feel good stuff. Because there comes a time when there is no longer that buzz you love. No longer does that hit make you feel like there isn't a care in the world and even if there is, you feel so good that it don't matter no more.

When you pass that point in the process, you begin to realize that the buzz has gone and taking the drugs is so important just to feel normal. Normal of all things. And that point doesn't take long to reach.

Yes, it was a good ride while it lasted, wasn't it? Yup. And now comes the pay back. The hardest part. Which way you go now depends heavily on how long it took you to come to your senses. It took too long, then you've lost your window of opportunity. It's way too late. You won't be able to get that education, get that good job or even the mediocre job. You may just barely survive. And your life is finished. Lost even. You've become the Junkie who lost it all over some temporary feel good. A life down the drain.

How many of you fit that profile? Too many. And that, among other things, is bringing you down. It's also bringing us down. Shame on you. Shame on US. Shame. Lives are being lost every moment of every day. And yet, we complain over those comparatively few lives lost in some desert country 'over there.' Over there. Over there. Yes, the Yanks are comin, the Yanks are comin, the Yanks are comin over there ... as the World War Two song went. So go you. Over there. Only the war you're fighting over there is really here. A war nonetheless. But now it's your war. It's really your war. And you've lost it. The fighting wasn't even heavy. But the burden you now carry is. Heavy. Very heavy.

And so we go as a nation, as a People, as parents and as children of hard working (at making money) parents. Down. How low can we go?

Jim Mortellaro,

AKA, Morty

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