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Grassroots Pressure Spurs Congressional Action

Steve Elliott

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ch an amendment to H.R. 3093, the Appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce, Justice and Science, stating that no funds appropriated in the bill may be used to carry out the decade long prison sentences imposed on Ramos and Compean.

According to WorldNet Daily's Jerome Corsi, Tancredo's amendment is grounded in Article I of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress absolute authority over spending matters.

Carlos Espinosa, a spokesman for Tancredo acknowledged that the move is unconventional, but added, that the amendment's aim is to affect an immediate "congressional commutation of sentence" by withholding the funds needed to keep the two agents in federal prison.

Since the Senate Judiciary hearing last week, pressure from lawmakers on Capitol Hill to free Ramos and Compean has intensified--no doubt fueled by grassroots Americans who are lobbying via faxes, and phones for their lawmakers to get involved.

As I wrote in my last update to you, this is undoubtedly our best chance to right this wrong and return these men to their families where they belong...

So if you haven't yet scheduled your personalized faxes to key leaders--including the President, I urge you to do so right now by clicking here:

If you would prefer to send the faxes yourself, we have provided all the information you need (including fax numbers) at this special FaxFire site. Whatever method you choose, it is vital that you do something to help.

If you haven't alerted your family and friends about the plight of Ramos and Compean, and what you are doing to help free them, forward this message to 20-30 of them right now and encourage them to sign our petition by clicking here:

Grassroots Americans are making an impact on this case, and I believe continued, unrelenting pressure will win them their freedom. But I need your help.

Finally, I wrote that Nacho Ramos was transferred to a Phoenix prison--just six hours from his home in El Paso, last week.

What I didn't mention was that officials didn't transfer Nacho's magazines, cards, clippings, and other reading materials. That's why I'm urging ALL members of our team to take a moment to send Nacho some new reading material (he loves motorcycles), inspirational cards, notes and letters of encouragement.

His new address is:

Ignacio Ramos #58079-180 FCI Phoenix Federal Correctional Institution 37910 N. 45TH Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85086

Thank you so much for your efforts with us to free Agents Ramos and Compean. With your continued support and committed action, I am confident we will celebrate together their freedom and safe return to their families.

Steve Elliott President Alliance

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