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Supporters Fear Ed Brown Is Being Tortured

Paul Joseph Watson

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als posing as supporters gained access to their Plainfield home and apprehended the couple.

"Elaine Brown is serving her 63-month sentence in the Federal Correctional Institute in Danbury, Conn., a minimum prison facility for women, according to Steve Monier (pictured above), U.S. Marshal for New Hampshire," reports the Union Leader.

But Monier refused to say where Ed Brown was being held, only that he remains "in transit", and also ignored questions about why there was a delay in transporting him to the prison where he will serve his sentence, the identity of which remains unknown.

This led supporters of Brown to make their concerns known that he could be undergoing brutal interrogation and torture at the hands of vengeful Feds embarrassed at Brown's taunting of them during the 6 month stand-off.

"Let them know Ed has not been handed over to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) yet! We don't know if he's alive, in good health, where he is, why he hasn't been handed over (there is NO good reason for this). We can only assume they're torturing him for information, giving him "diesel therapy" and other things, like they did to Congressman Hansen!!!," reads a posting on Ed Brown's official website.

Supporters fear that Brown is being transported from prison to prison and being forced to sit in the same position for hours at a time while heavily shackled, causing painful circulation problems and nerve damage. This was a form of torture inflicted by Federal Marshals on Congressman George Hansen, who served four years in jail for alleged IRS infractions before being declared innocent by the U. S. Supreme Court.

"Each day the metal shackles are put back onto raw and infected legs before the prisoner boards the bus. After weeks and months of diesel therapy, the ankles and shins have raw, infected and open wounds that will not heal," reads the website.

"Hour after hour, the prisoner sits in a cramped & painful position, with shackles cutting into already infected, raw flesh. Arthritis and bursitis compound the misery of the prisoners. The ingrown, infected toenails, which are jammed inside of purposely small shoes, cripple the prisoner to the point that he can barely walk or move when he is finally released from the shackles."

Brown's supporters are urging the general public to call the U.S. Marshal's office in New Hampshire and and ask them to locate Brown.

The number is 603-225-1632.

"Take down names, employee numbers, dates/times to reference the call, whatever you can to have a record! DEMAND for answers! They've got Ed like they always wanted, why isn't he handed over to the prison? WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO HIM? HOW IS HE BEING TREATED?!?!," reads the website.