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SPP "Jellybean" Summit Report

Steve Elliott

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t back to Mexico due to the hurricane, it seems all three were glad to get out of the pressure cooker of this SPP summit!

In fact, each went out of his way to downplay the SPP and almost belittle their own multi-year effort to build a "North American Framework." Canada's Prime Minister Harper essentially said all this effort was about nothing more than standardizing the jelly bean! Here's Harper:

"The rules for jelly bean contents are different in Canada and the United States... Is the sovereignty of Canada going to fall apart if we standardize the jelly bean? I don't think so."

(Mexico's Calderon added that it was about "parameters for chocolates.")

Of course, President Bush took the opportunity to take pot shots at citizens like you and me who are questioning the SPP. He said he was "amused by some of the speculation" and dismissed it as "political scare tactics" centered on "conspiracy" theories.

Mr. President, for the record, 168,150 Grassfire team members who signed our petition are simply calling for full disclosure on the SPP's action items and accountability to Congress and the American people.

+ + Grassroots pressure working again...

There's a reason they couldn't get out of town quick enough and the answer is found in Jerome Corsi's book.

His book uncovers the deceptions and connects the dots between the SPP, amnesty and the open borders agenda.

As I field interviews daily on this topic, I am constantly referring back to Dr. Corsi's book.

Dr. Corsi's publisher has made available a limited supply. Most are already accounted for, by my staff says we still have a few signed and unsigned copies available.

Please go here to request your copy:

Let's face it -- the only thing that will slow down the SPP's march to a "North American Framework" is an informed electorate.

That's why Bush, Harper and Calderon couldn't get out of town fast enough. They felt the pressure from grassroots citizens! They were well aware of the protests taking place in Canada and the fact that we gathered and presented over 150,000 petitions in just over a week.

But you and I must stay informed.

Please go here to request your copy of the book while you help Grassfire continue to inform and equip grassroots citizens:

Thanks for the stand you are taking!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. I have posted more resources on this latest summit meeting on my personal FireSociety blog. I would also like to get your comments. Please go here to read the blog:

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