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Call to Patriot Action

Robert Honley

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This loss comes through passage of the 'Torture Act'(aka S.3930) [Military Commissions Act]

A new law that permits your government to:

Arrest you,

Hold you without representation,

Try you without letting you know the charges,

Torture you to get admissions that can be used against you.

These 'Representatives' have KILLED:

The Constitution,

The Bill of Rights,

Government by Law,


Let us, the common American, go into Mourning.

Mourning for the loss of freedom.

Mourning for the death of the Constitution.

Mourning for the murder of Liberty Lady.

Let us wear a black ribbon.

Let us wear a black armband.

Let us do it until this blasphemous law is repealed.

Let us stand in mourning at the voting stations.

Let us identify the traitors who voted for this abomination.

Let us ensure they never represent us again regardless of their party affiliation.

Do this for your forbearers who fought so valiantly.

Do this for your children and grand children that they might know freedom.

Do this for the world that we might set an example against tyranny.

Do this for yourself that you will be a light against the darkness that would control you.

Do this because you are a patriot, because you are an American.

Let us return to the lofty standards of:



Truth, and


Let us live with integrity and responsibility.

Let us demand it of those who serve us

In this government

Of the people

By the people

For the people!

Robert A. Donley 10/3/2006

If you agree, please pass this on to others who care about our wonderful country. ~ Thanks