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Bush Took Away Your Rights in 2006. Don't Let It Happen in 2007!

Robyn E.

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the Constitution by resolving to make our liberties a priority in the New Year.

On Jan. 23rd, President Bush will deliver the State of the Union address and Congress will be settling in after completing its "100 Hours Agenda." Before this happens, make it clear to Congress that we expect them to address issues critical to freedom-loving people. These issues are:

Restore habeas corpus and due process, allowing prisoners the right to a trial;

End torture in secret prisons, such as Guantanamo Bay;

Stop warrantless eavesdropping on the email and phone calls of innocent Americans; and

Fix the Patriot Act and bring it in line with the Constitution.

For the New Year, tell Congress to take steps to enhance freedom and fairness for everyone in America. By doing so, Congress will take back their Constitutional role as a check on the executive branch and ensure oversight of President Bush and the administration.

America prides itself on being a country founded on liberty and due process. We can't sit back while this is changed forever. Take a stand for the Constitution and help restore the freedoms that were recently taken away! Sign the petition at:

Thank you for everything you do.


Robyn E.

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