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Ramos and Compean: Home By Christmas?

Steve Elliott

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Victims of Johnny Sutton's prosecutorial team, Jose Compean and "Nacho" Ramos are approaching their 300th day in prison -- hoping against hope that this horrible nightmare will somehow come to an end.

"This holiday season is going to be so hard for our families," Monica Ramos told our staff recently. "We all want them home for Christmas!"

We've been told that the odds of getting these men home with their families by Christmas seem slim. But their appeal is now set for December 3, so there is hope. I believe their best hope is if friends like you keep pressing their case.

++ Tie a Yellow Ribbon for Ramos and Compean

One of our staff members had an idea -- what if thousands of citizens displayed yellow ribbons for Ramos and Compean this holiday season... On their Christmas trees. On their homes. In their cars. Everywhere.

What if we really set a goal to see these men released by Christmas and a little yellow ribbon sent a message all the way to Capitol Hill and the White House?

We took the idea to Mrs. Ramos and Mrs. Compean and they loved it. So we stepped out and made thousands of yards of "Bring Home Agents Ramos And Compean" yellow ribbon.

Go here to see the ribbon and find out more:

Leading up to the hearings and throughout the Holiday Season, we are asking all members of our team to join our "Bring Home Agents Ramos and Compean" yellow ribbon initiative.

Would you make this statement with me? Would you display these yellow ribbons this holiday season?

Our staff is preparing packs with enough ribbon for you to make six individual ribbons (about two yards). Go here for the details:

+ + Send a ribbon to the White House and Congress!

As soon as you get your ribbon, I want you to cut one off and send it immediately to the White House with a personal letter from you. Let's flood the White House with ribbons! Ask the President to put your ribbon on the Presidential Christmas tree!

Those responsible for putting Ramos and Compean in prison want you to forget about them. They want you to forget that they have suffered unjustly for nearly 300 days. They want you to forget that their families are hurting.

But we won't forget, . And our yellow ribbon initiative is the perfect symbol to keep Ramos and Compean at the forefront of everyone's mind throughout the Holiday Season.

Thanks in advance for taking action with us.

Steve Elliott, President Alliance

P.S. We already sent 100 yards of ribbon to Mrs. Ramos and she was thrilled! Let's do everything we can to help bring these agents home... by Christmas if possible.

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