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Mexican, U.S. Discuss NAFTA Highway

Steve Elliott

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that would extend through Mexico in to the United States. In fact, Texas Gov. Perry met last month with Gov. Jose Paras of the Mexican state Nuevo Leon and extending the Trans Texas Corridor was on the docket.

So while our President and Mexico's president were stating that the Security and Prosperity Partnership is about nothing more than standardizing the Jelly Bean, meetings were ongoing about extending the NAFTA superhighway.

The fact is, this issue simply is not going to go away. That's why I want you to be equipped with the best information.

We have a very limited supply of Dr. Jerome Corsi's new book, "The Late Great U.S.A.," available for immediate shipping at our Grassfire offices (and a very small supply of signed books).

Please go here to make a gift and request your copy:

Note: we do not expect to receive any more books once this supply is exhausted, so please place your request today.

Also, we are within a few thousand petitions of reaching our goal of 200,000 signatures for delivery to the White House. Please urge your friends to sign by clicking here:

Thanks again for the stand you are taking on this issue.

Steve Elliott, President


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NAFTA Superhighway backgrounder:

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