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Florida Man Who Said The Bush Family Is "A Plague On The Earth And Should Burn In Hell For Eternity" Is Being Targeted By Authorities As A Threat To Society

Greg Szymanski

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has been accused of threatening Gov. Jeb Bush and labeled by authorities a threat to society for his comments.

Steve Esdale, who also accused Gov. Bush and authorities of covering up vital evidence in his father's suspicious murder, is also being targeted for putting up information on his web site about Prescott Bush's former Nazi affiliations.

Esdale's comments about the Bush family were apparently pulled off his web site or obtained through wire tapping, as Florida officials have now subpoenaed his phone and computer records in an attempt to prove Esdale is a threat.

He also claims authorities are trying to get him committed to a mental institution for his comments as well as his continued three year private investigation to get to the bottom of his father's death.

Esdale claims his elderly father was murdered by a younger women he hastily married, who unknown to anyone was an undercover Bolivian DEA agent. And for three years, he desperately has been trying to get justice, but has run into a brick wall, as Florida authorities first claimed Murray Cohen's death was of normal causes,

According to Esdale, however, authorities covered up vital evidence categorically proving his father was killed by his new bride in a scheme to clean out his bank account and steal his Florida estate, the police for yet unknown reasons covering up for the Bolivian undercover agent.

Esdale's story has been previously documented in the Arctic Beacon archives and he has appeared on Greg Szymanski's popular radio show, The Investigative Journal. But a new twist in Esdale's story of continual harassment by authorities for trying to get at the truth, needs reexamining in light of the recent attempts by authorities to silence him for his comments about the Bush family.

It should be noted in previous stories, Esdale presented substantial probable cause crime scene evidence his father was killed, evidence authorities have suppressed, as 911 tapes were altered and a coroner's report changed to omit a strange drug found at the crime scene.

Esdale's complaints of a police cover-up have gone as far as Gov. Jeb Bush's office. He also claims the "fix is in" all the way to the top, as high officials are more concerned at protecting the former Bolivian agent and keeping from the public about the botched investigation then getting at the real truth behind the alleged murder of his elderly father.

Ever since Esdale starting making waves and ruffling feathers with the authorities, including Gov. Bush's office, he became the brunt of police harassment, including an unexpected raid on his house and numerous invasions of privacy of his computer records.

But Esdale claims things have gotten so bad that authorities are trying to frame him for threatening Gov. Bush, as well as trying to place him in a mental institution.

From his Florida home, Esdale has provided the following shocking account, illustrating another in a long line of cases illustrating a fascist climate spreading across America:

"You won't believe what I am about to tell you. Through a public records request, I obtained a 75 page report about me made by Florida Department of Law Enforcement. In this report they included a copy of a subpoena given to my phone carrier Cingular.

"They stated in their subpoena that it was urgent to get my phone records because there was a threat made to the Governor of Florida, Governor Bush. Further into the report, it states that "At no time did Esdale make physical or verbal threats to the Governor or his Family".

"With this information, I can prove that they lied to obtain my personal phone records to try to find where I was seeking safe heaven to keep my family safe. It stated in the report that the reason why they tracked me down, was because they were going to invoke the "Baker Act" on me, which allows them to put me in a mental hospital against my will.

"They had the Government do a profile on me. They claim that I left messages at the Governor's office stating the following :

"1. I accused him of participating in the cover up of my father's murder.

"2. I stated that his family was a plague on the earth, and they should burn in hell for eternity.

"3. I stated I was going to post the information on my web site about Prescott Bush and his Nazi connection.

"4. I stated I was going to post the information about his close ties with the owner of the airlines who trained the 911 hijackers.

"For the above mentioned, they claimed I was a threat to the Governor. They also made an entire copy of my web site.

"In this 75 page report, they also confirmed they subpoenaed information from my web host, Go Daddy. They subpoenaed information from my Internet provider, AOL. I would also like you to know that my federal law suit was transferred from a judge who was appointed by the current dictator which would of got me no where, and is now before a judge who does not tolerate police corruption."

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Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site

Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio Greg is also regular on the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.