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Mexican Protesters Attacking White People In Dallas Throwing Bottles Filled With Battery Acit At Counter Protesters

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0 Whites who are protesting the 2,000 Mexicans and other assorted non-White invaders who are demanding amnesty outside the Dallas City Hall.

HatchTX had to shout into his phone for me to be able to hear him, but he said that the Dallas Police are not providing any protection for the 30 to 40 White people who are with him. He reports that the Dallas Police are making no effort to arrest or stop the Mexicans throwing bottles of battery acid at the Whites. He says that the only thing the Dallas Police are doing is shoving the Whites into a worse location.

I asked HatchTX to please phone us if there is anything that we can do to help him and the 30 to 40 patriots with him. He says that he has battery power left on his cell phone, and that they have additional cell phones to call out if their situation gets any worse. ~ Hal Turner



I just got three more phone calls from the group of Stormfront and other patriots with HatchTX. He says that the Dallas Police have cornered them up against a wall with mounted police. The police commander just told HatchTX that "we can't guarantee your safety, so we would like you to leave."

HatchTX reports that the Mexicans are chanting "Si se puede!" (Yes we can).

The Stormfronters on the scene also report that the screaming illegals are facing away from their own stage and choosing instead to yell at the White patriots that the police have driven back about 150 feet.

Local Dallas Media is reporting between 150 and 250,000 Mexicans on the streets of Dallas!


Update 5:08 PM --

HatchTX reports that the police around them now are completely ill-equipped to control the shoving Mexicans all around them.

The police have brought up a group of ambulances that they appear to intend to use as an emergency evacuation method for the White patriots that are cornered at the Dallas City Hall.

The police have escorted some of the White patriots who wanted to get away from the screaming Mexicans into the basement of Dallas City Hall to get away from the bottles being thrown at them by the Mexicans.

Mexicans and other non-White invaders by the hundreds of thousands appear to be set to take to the streets all over the U.S. with their demands for complete capitulation by White America to the Mexican invasion of our land.

Comments (48)


Update 5:12 PM --

HatchTX reports that among the patriots cornered with him is a beautiful White woman draped in an American flag.

The patriots are pinned up against the glass of a skyscraper by about 100 police. HatchTX reports that at least some of the police have been taking photos of the Mexicans throwing bottles. HatchTX says that this gives him some hope that the police may actually enforce some of our laws with the Mexicans.

Also, HatchTX reports the unfortunate news that a number of delusional White people are with this crowd of Mexicans. Some of the White people are carrying signs that say things like "Aliens are from outer space".


Update 5:14 PM EDT --

The Dallas Police commander on the scene just instructed the White patriots that the police have pinned up against a skyscraper that they are "not to yell or chant anything that would incite" the Mexicans.

The White patriots are hoping that an airplane-towed 30-foot by 40-foot banner saying "No Aztlan" that they got produced may appear over the crowd.


uPDATE 5:19 pm --

Stormfronter HatchTX is calling into for about the tenth time to say that the Mexican gangbangers have now added keys to the projectiles that they are throwing at the White patriots. It started with bottles, then included rocks, and now keys.

HatchTX reports that the Dallas Police have made zero effort to arrest or to stop any of the Mexicans throwing objects at the Whites. HatchTX says that he almost took a direct hit in the head from a water bottle.

The police are asking the Whites to leave again. I can hear the Dallas Police talking to the Whites in the background over the cell phone they are calling on.



This event and the attacks which ensued WERE PLANNED at the Latino Cultural Center, a facility paid for with City tax dollars. The building is located at:

Latino Cultural Center

2600 Live Oak @ Good Latimer

Dallas , TX 75204